New Year blessings and requests

      I have wonderful news that I received Christmas Eve. I am totally off of insulin.My doctor here has been lowering my doses daily until he finally said, "Don't inject anything." Wonderful. I have not minded the injections, as man y times I did not feel anything. I am so thankful that insulin was available when I needed it. My body has obviously started producing enough insulin again to handle my daily needs. My diet has changed little as we already had a good diet. I am just a little more conscious of what foods have hidden within them.

     Our request is primarily to pray for Pedro and his wife. They both have Covid, but at least they appear to be lighter cases. All of the state is completely shut down except the very most necessary and then only during daytime hours through January 10th. At that time they will see how progress is going before making any other announcements. Since March we have been more in the red zone than any other color. It gets better and then a holiday comes along and the cases soar.

     We have likewise been praying for many of you. We know several pastors and many members who have been affected by this disease. Praise the Lord for those He has lifted out of the grasp of Covid. 

     As I mentioned, all activity is closed until at least Sunday. We are trying to keep the deaf  encouraged by means of video, both personal and group. It is obviously affecting our church. They met for three weeks before closing again but without children and seniors. It has made it very difficult just to keep them going. I am sure many unsaved will use this as an excuse to shy away from the Lord. 

     Thank you for praying and keeping us protected through your prayers. We are looking forward to this new year and the prospects of life returning to "normal." Keep your eyes on Him!

Gary and Ann Layne


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