July, 2024

Psalm 118:28  Thou art my God, and I will praise thee: thou art my God, I will exalt thee.

Dear Praying Friends,

     Praise the Lord, we are again in Mexico since the first of July. Our last few weeks in the US were a terrific rush to complete all that was needed before we could leave. Obviously, not all got done.

     Ann’s mother, Casey Stribling, passed into the arms of Jesus on April 16, after fighting with three different cancers over the past few years. Finally, the doctors told her they could do no more. Casey was young beyond her years and continued to visit us here until the last couple of years, traveling by herself. She was essential in keeping the home base while we have been on the field. Her greatest desire was to serve the Lord, which often involved our ministry. She arranged everything so that her death would leave things the easiest for us. However, some of the issues required more work than she could have imagined. We are still working on some.

     The church maintained itself, but sort of lost its zeal while we were gone. This past Sunday, Fernando preached a message that we hope really ignited the fire in them again. It is always easier to float along than to be busy for the Lord. How great that the encouragement came from within, and did not wait for us. We have from the beginning always tried to get the Deaf to be in the front of everyone, rather than us. They have been very restrained in taking the lead, however. The pandemic really caused a hesitancy for them as far as stepping forward. Everyone in our church lost their job during the pandemic; many were eventually called back, others found a new job, but it has caused them much damage. Pray that we may encourage them to step out and serve the Lord intensely.

     My doctor tells me the pages of the calendar continue to turn when he explains that things are different than before. This return has given us a lot more difficult transition to high altitude, a lot more dust and thinner air. Besides that, we discovered the roof leaked, neither the washer or dryer worked and a multitude of objects needed tender loving care. We are checking off items on our list and slowly correcting or renewing the necessary things.

     You may have noticed that our phones have not worked, our Internet is being renewed, and our whole existence here needs attention. We are fully involved in our ministry as counselors and mentors, but we must spend effort, time and money to get our house, our home and the church back operating again. Thank you for praying and being patient with us.

     We thank you for a very busy furlough, and for the wonderful reception we have received from everyone. Undoubtedly the best ever! May God bless you for your faithfulness.    

     For DEAF souls in Mexico,

     Gary and Ann Layne


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