Dear Praying Friends,

     Welcome to a day in the life of your missionary. We had a hard storm last night, Tuesday, (as usual) but we discovered this morning we had no gas. The electric power had been off, so the water pump was not running. Before 10:00 AM the power went off again, so we are without gas, water or electricity. That's just the way it goes!

     We had a wonderful day on Sunday with the return of folks who had not come in a long while. Towards the end of our fellowship time, a thirteen-year-old young lady approached our daughter and said, "I want to be baptized." Our daughter had doubts that she had been saved, so she sent her to me (Gary). My first question was about her salvation. She did not know to what I was referring. I suggested that we take the first step before we talk about baptism. As soon as we sat down with the Word of God, our daughter brought me a second thirteen-year-old young lady who was also confused. (NOTE: I usually do not deal with either young ladies or ladies in general unless under unusual circumstances. Our daughter convinced me quickly that these were unusual circumstances). As I began explaining, they both had questions about how or why they needed to be saved. Shortly, after being convinced by the Word of God, they both separately asked the Lord to save them. Neither girl has grown up in a "normal" home. Both of them are CODAs (Children Of Deaf Adults), both parents being deaf. Neither have had a normal childhood with little Biblical instruction. They are coming faithfully now and have both declared they WILL be faithful now that they understand. Praise the Lord.

     Please pray for us and especially the day of September 15. That is our Independence Day here, as so we have planned a special day and are inviting everyone. There will be a strong salvation message followed by gifts, food and a great time of sharing the Gospel. Pray that the difficulties of the Pandemic will be broken and that many deaf will come. Mostly pray for souls to be saved.

Monday - To update just a little, we were without electricity for most of three days. It took us back to times when once it gets dark (and no electricity), it is really dark. We spent a couple of hours with candle light and then retired.  

     I have spent three days trying to straighten out our email lists when I discovered that about half of all our list had disappeared. We are now up-to-date with what information we have. If you do not desire to continue receiving the blog updates, please let us know.

     We have now passed another Sunday since I started this update. The church surprised me with a birthday party on Sunday. It was nice to be remembered. I looked around and at least four of our members are older than I. Pray this next Sunday will open doors to new contacts.

     Thank you for praying and keeping us before the Lord. Our country here is moving farther left and several have stated they are afraid of what it will mean. Thank you for allowing us to represent you here. May God bless you.

Gary and Ann


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