Monday, April 2

     Thank you all so much for praying. The weekend went well with few uncomfortable events. The surgery basically felt as though I bit my tongue in several places at the same time and had a sore throat. It was actually a probe that was inserted and then charged with radio frequency to vaporize the various sections of my tongue, palate and a few other parts. I apologize for several errors in the update on Thursday, but everyone was so kind as to not mention them. The deviated was not the palate but rather the septum. It appears everyone read past the mistakes and realized I had just arrived home. We have worked diligently with the many canker sores and they are slowly disappearing.
     Today was my first post-op doctor visit and he was happy with the results. When asked his opinion about the progress he simply stated, "Well, very well." I do not return for 10 days which says a lot. He had predicted that I would probably need to return in two days. Healing has begun and the results will not truly be seen for several weeks yet, but I already know that air is passing through (even swollen) passages that have not functioned for years. I had never realized the fact until I got it back again. How could I have been breathing at a very low percentage of normal and not realize it?
     I do ask that as the Lord reminds you, you whisper a prayer for good healing and for the results we pray for. IF this all works out to lower my blood pressure and return quality to my life, I will be able to better serve Him. That is my desire. Our blessed Savior is so worthy of our praise. My doctor, Lance (Cheyenne's son), my head nurse (Cheyenne) and the floor nurse (Ann) all seem to been enduring well and have made this progress possible.
      I have received two replies that have not been able to read the blog per se, so I will send the link as well as this note in text format. Thank you so much for caring. God bless you.


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