Special Prayer Request
Monday, March 26, 2012
Dear Praying Friends,
Dear Praying Friends,
I have an unusual request for prayer today. I (Gary) am scheduled for surgery on Thursday at 8:00 AM. Unusual?? Yes, two ways. I have only had one surgery, for my gall bladder removal in 2008. I am not one who searches for the opportunity. Secondly, the whole circumstance around the surgery is unusual. Several of my family members have asked at varying intervals, "When are you going to have the doctor check out your snoring/breathing?" When I had the incident last February with the lungs, it was brought up again. So, I asked my cardiologist for a recommendation concerning my sleep problems. I went to the doctor who checked me out physically (ears, nose, throat) and suggested a sleep test. No surprise there. However, I agreed so I could see him tell me that my problem was so minor I need not apply even for a CPAP. I took the test, eight and one half hours of being wired to the machine, but at least in the privacy of my home. I returned the machine and waited three days for the results.
Unusual? The doctor started off by reminding me that I scored over the 10 point limit on the questionnaire. OK. He then stated that I had quit breathing 30 times. OK. Minor hiccup. He then stressed 30 times an HOUR for over eight hours!!! WHOA. Besides, my “oxygen levels dropped into the eighties. My Hypopnea was worse than my Apnea. I had central Apnea episodes at least 26 times .... ]ojkfij4jrfadkp]odkd.” At that point, it all became a blur.
I was blown away. I told Ann that I figured that from one to ten, I was probably a 2. He stated I was severe; so severe that a CPAP would not even work for me without doing more harm than good. He then proceeded to show me the video of the endoscope, which revealed the left side was almost totally blocked in several places, the uvula was extended and touching the back of the tongue, my tongue overlays the top of the larynx in a seated position, etc. He then moved to the part of the video where he had me recline. It all was all a beautiful pink -- no opening. Of course I knew that. I have warned Ann that if we were to have a wreck, not to let them lay me flat, or I would not be breathing. My throat closes off completely when lying flat.
Unusual? Yes. He wanted me to schedule surgery at the earliest convenient time (when is a "convenient" time for surgery?). He suggested Tuesday or Thursday. Remember, I am thinking a CPAP is a waste of money. I go tomorrow for blood work, Wednesday for the final pre-op consultation and Thursday for surgery. I only hope this helps my spinning head. As I rode home on the bus, I was literally still in a daze.
The doctor will use radio frequency to do the trimming. He will trim the palate, the uvula, the conchs and the base of my tongue. There will be little or no bleeding, but will require a 4-5 day recovery period. Did I mention that all of this is out-patient surgery? Do you want to know what all of this is called? Uvulopalatopharnyoplasty. Unusual? It takes 24 letters to say what it is!
ANY WAY, please pray that all goes well. I am not worried about the surgery, except that we have a BIG work party scheduled for the sixth of April with all of the deaf doing a major Spring cleaning and repair on the church. Guess who is supposed to be in charge?
You might want to pray for Cheyenne, Lance and Ann as they will be in charge of POST operative care. Pray that above all, HE will get the glory. Thank you for praying.
Gary & Ann