December 18

                M E R R Y C HR I S T M A S !!


     Some of you have been praying! On December 11th at our Christmas party we had 31. None were totally new but we enjoyed each person's company and the chance to share Christ with them. Sunday, the 18th, we presented Adam & Eve, a two hour video of the life, blessings and the promises of/to Adam. Several hearts were deeply touched and they stayed, praying with the Lord even after the invitation ended. There were 29 of us, which is the start of a good group. 
     The presentation was a little drastic for me because it mean continuous interpreting for more than two hours. Cheyenne and I started to share the burden, but soon realized that it would take two of us longer to distribute which part we would play than it would if I just interpreted it. Some conversations included four persons at nearly the same time. With the deaf, we turn slightly to signify a difference in who is speaking, as it is the way to distinguish different parts through one interpreter. God greatly blessed and even though I couldn't lift the panels to darken the windows, my arthritis never bothered me once we started the program. Yes, I was exhausted by the time we finished but several of our lower education deaf responded to questions meaning they got the message! What a wonderful joy, especially at Christmas, to use Adam to point them to Christ.
     We are enjoying a few days with Casey, Ann's mom, and with getting the family together. Sunday, on our return trip from church, the Macrobus suddenly filled until there was no more standing room. For several stops, no one could even push their way in. As we neared our stop, I began worrying about getting Casey and Ann through the tremendous press of people. Ours is normally one of the stops where only a few leave the bus. That would mean we would have to "plow" through several dozen people to get out. When the bus stopped, miraculously, at least one half of all the passengers went out before us. That means that all six of us were reunited within seconds of getting off the bus. He does bless even in the "little" things.
     Thank you for praying and supporting this ministry. God is still working among the deaf and we want to be ready to respond when we can. That is only possible because you care. We pray for you and we hope this Christmas brings great blessings of true joy as you remember what we are truly celebrating. May God bless you with a wonderful Christmas and a New Year to be used for Him.
Ann & Gary


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