
Dear Praying Friends,

     Thank you for your faithful prayer for us these last days. We arrived back in Guadalajara on Tuesday evening and are certainly happy to be back. About mid-way through our trip to Chicago, Cheyenne wrote to tell us that the power had been off for days and that no one had told her. EVERYTHING was, well,rather ripe at that point. Several came out and tried to clean up and ended up outside throwing up. Our dear, sweet Cheyenne finally won the victory and got it cleaned for out arrival home. She kept noticing additional smell and we discovered the drip pan under the refrigerator was full also. Now, it runs and is almost odor free.
    We also discovered that the water was off several times while we were gone. No problem for us, but the problems that caused continue. Today we are again without water as the main switching apparatus is burned out. This is a large area with five houses and a chicken farm on it. The electrical service is 330, so everything is heavy duty. Hopefully, we will get it restored again today.
     Our trip back was basically uneventful. The pilot warned us of severe turbulence on our approach to Guad due to several storms nearby. It was actually a fairly smooth pattern so he apparently missed the worst or it moved on before we got here. Ann thinks she left her Mexican cell phone in Texas and lost her mouse on the way here. Those are just minor problems.
     We are happy that the Lord allowed us to talk with several people about Him while we were traveling. It is amazing how many people are seeking Him even in this supposed time when no one cares. So often, the people are there if we just look for an opportunity. Pray that our witness will take effect in their hearts.
     Thank you for caring and sharing. We are happy to be back, but definitely have felt the long miles and hours of driving. Praise the Lord, He is faithful and ready to restore our tired bodies. May He bless you today.
Gary & Ann


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