Happy Easter
How wonderful it is to get people to stop long enough to think about what Easter is all about. Fortunately, here, no one has any idea of what the "mythological quadruped" is (Easter Bunny) . My Greek teacher taught his kids that phrase when they were toddlers. To our folks, Easter means vacation. They say that for these two weeks in certain areas, you cannot find enough room to place a beach towel. For our deaf who stayed in town, it was a chance to be reminded about who Christ is. Our attendance was low, but that is normal for a city that almost empties for two weeks. For us, it reminds us of the city we discovered in 1983, a quiet, laid back colonial city. That city no longer exists.
We are very concerned for the folks with whom we share our lives. This country in is the midst of a struggle for existence. Please note that where we are in Guadalajara, there are problems but consistent with any large city. However, in the last four weeks, much of our country has been declared a no man's land. You probably hear a few comments on the news of the major events happening here, but not much is mentioned about the real WAR taking place in the north of the country. The Kilpatricks from Texas contacted us several weeks ago about the dangers at the border area. Since then others have sent warning messages and recommended that none of us travel at all in the north. About ten days ago BOTH the American and Mexican government issued urgent warnings that no American should travel in the north or attempt to get to Texas. All of the states that border the American border are in the warning. Anything from south of Monterrey all the way to the border areas are at the center of the danger area. The drug lords (3 different groups) are fighting for territory and the lucrative special crossings at the border. At first it was only the minor sergeants that were being killed off in the street shootings. The it escalated into stopping traffic even in heavily populated areas to steal cars. The last two weeks, they have been stealing cars at gun point to set up fake check points. They park the cars, buses and tractor-trailer rigs across the highways and streets in order to go about their business untouched by the police or army. Because these roadblocks are causing tremendous bottlenecks in traffic, the authorities are unable to arrive at the area where the criminals are operating.
They have started kidnapping Americans for ransom and any other idea that pops into their head. This past week, Holy Week, they raided two different penitentiaries in two different cities and freed about 50 criminals. They are so heavily armed that they over-run any authority in their way. They often attack police stations and any other point of resistance. In case you are wondering, they will arrive in 8-10 vehicles, some equipped with 50 caliber anti-aircraft machine guns, grenades and any other weapon imaginable including anti-tank missiles.
Now, to repeat - we are in no apparent danger (no more than usual) until we have to go north. Ann is still battling from time to time physically and because of the dangers, we decided not to attend the Pastors Conference. However, we have MANY Christian friends, co-workers and brothers in Christ who live in this zone and face danger daily. Some of the churches have decided to have only daylight services. Many of the cities become ghost towns at dark. Some of the missionaries have decided to flee the country. All of the rest of us have to travel through this area in order to get out of the country.
More than anything else, we request your prayers for this country. The criminals are determined (their words) to turn Mexico into another Columbia where they control the country and even the government cannot stop them. Unless major victories come through in the next couple of months, that will not be joke. Yesterday, one of the major leaders boasted that "Mexico is already lost. We are in every colony of every town. You will never get rid of us." Please pray for Christians who are just as vulnerable as any other. Pray for the churches that are not able to function normally. Pray for security to be restored for all areas of the country. Pray for travel mercies of the many Christians who must travel through/to these areas regularly. Pray for the salvation of souls so that He might be able to turn this country around.
Thank you for your interest, care and sacrifice. Thank you for taking the time to regularly whisper a prayer for this country. Pray that even in tough times we all might be faithful to Him. We are not drastically affected except that travel has been limited to local areas only. Thank you for caring.
Gary & Ann
We are very concerned for the folks with whom we share our lives. This country in is the midst of a struggle for existence. Please note that where we are in Guadalajara, there are problems but consistent with any large city. However, in the last four weeks, much of our country has been declared a no man's land. You probably hear a few comments on the news of the major events happening here, but not much is mentioned about the real WAR taking place in the north of the country. The Kilpatricks from Texas contacted us several weeks ago about the dangers at the border area. Since then others have sent warning messages and recommended that none of us travel at all in the north. About ten days ago BOTH the American and Mexican government issued urgent warnings that no American should travel in the north or attempt to get to Texas. All of the states that border the American border are in the warning. Anything from south of Monterrey all the way to the border areas are at the center of the danger area. The drug lords (3 different groups) are fighting for territory and the lucrative special crossings at the border. At first it was only the minor sergeants that were being killed off in the street shootings. The it escalated into stopping traffic even in heavily populated areas to steal cars. The last two weeks, they have been stealing cars at gun point to set up fake check points. They park the cars, buses and tractor-trailer rigs across the highways and streets in order to go about their business untouched by the police or army. Because these roadblocks are causing tremendous bottlenecks in traffic, the authorities are unable to arrive at the area where the criminals are operating.
They have started kidnapping Americans for ransom and any other idea that pops into their head. This past week, Holy Week, they raided two different penitentiaries in two different cities and freed about 50 criminals. They are so heavily armed that they over-run any authority in their way. They often attack police stations and any other point of resistance. In case you are wondering, they will arrive in 8-10 vehicles, some equipped with 50 caliber anti-aircraft machine guns, grenades and any other weapon imaginable including anti-tank missiles.
Now, to repeat - we are in no apparent danger (no more than usual) until we have to go north. Ann is still battling from time to time physically and because of the dangers, we decided not to attend the Pastors Conference. However, we have MANY Christian friends, co-workers and brothers in Christ who live in this zone and face danger daily. Some of the churches have decided to have only daylight services. Many of the cities become ghost towns at dark. Some of the missionaries have decided to flee the country. All of the rest of us have to travel through this area in order to get out of the country.
More than anything else, we request your prayers for this country. The criminals are determined (their words) to turn Mexico into another Columbia where they control the country and even the government cannot stop them. Unless major victories come through in the next couple of months, that will not be joke. Yesterday, one of the major leaders boasted that "Mexico is already lost. We are in every colony of every town. You will never get rid of us." Please pray for Christians who are just as vulnerable as any other. Pray for the churches that are not able to function normally. Pray for security to be restored for all areas of the country. Pray for travel mercies of the many Christians who must travel through/to these areas regularly. Pray for the salvation of souls so that He might be able to turn this country around.
Thank you for your interest, care and sacrifice. Thank you for taking the time to regularly whisper a prayer for this country. Pray that even in tough times we all might be faithful to Him. We are not drastically affected except that travel has been limited to local areas only. Thank you for caring.
Gary & Ann