Ann's surgery

     Ann came through surgery better than could be expected. She has been "up" the last several days and that has helped. Her test yesterday showed only minor problems with her heart. She was scheduled for 8:30 this morning and they took her in at 8:40 and started the actual surgery at 9:20. BEFORE 10:20 she was out of surgery and headed to recovery. A little while later she was brought to the room awake, perky and chatting away in Spanish with the nurses.
     The doctor removed her left ovary to be sure there was nothing else there and sent it all to pathology.He inspected the rest of the abdomen and found nothing unusual. When he met Cheyenne and I, he was beaming and said, "It was benign. It was definitely benign. There was nothing else there. Anita is fine."
     Thank you so much for praying. She is still a little sore and has had some pain, but looks terrific (I'm prejudiced!!). She will spend the night there and be released tomorrow. Thank you for taking the time to pray for her.
Gary Layne


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