January, 2024
O Lord God of hosts, who is a strong Lord like unto thee? or to thy faithfulness round about thee?
Dear Praying Friends,
We are so thankful of the Lord’s calling and provision through these years of service. We are aware that not all are called into full time service, but we would not change these past forty years of experiences for any other type of work. There have been many wonderful blessings as well as very difficult tribulations, but He has always been faithful.
God continues to bless the work in Mexico by teaching our folks the necessity of trusting God, not man. Recently they received the property tax bill for this year and were discouraged because they did not have the money. They immediately turned to us (which we will help them), but I suggested that Cheyenne, our daughter, try to make sure they have done all they can to raise the money. The deaf can quote all the reasons and verses for faithful giving, but fail to do the same in their own life. Cheyenne has worked on a visual display showing how they can do it if each one volunteers to take a part. She drew out a heart and divided it into various amounts that they can promise to give. They seem excited now that they can accomplish this goal. If they fail to reach it all, we will quietly do our part, but not so as to discourage their sacrificial giving. Yes, churches pay property taxes in Mexico since they are treated just the same as a business.
The attendance does continue to grow little by little. Special days help, but it is necessary that the deaf themselves reach out to others. So many of the things we have taught, shown and shared with them, they have captured in their heads, but not their hearts. We are surprised when they go to a party or activity, and then confess that they did not invite anyone to church. “Where there is no vision, the people perish.” They know the Scripture, but battle in putting it into everyday living. I guess they are as guilty as we are!
Casey, Ann’s mother, is doing well. After the pin-point radiation, they have discovered that one of her lymph glands has a nodule that is growing. She has gone back to the immunotherapy to help keep her immune system functioning as best as it can. She still is able to take care of herself with her own hygiene and most food preparation. Her problem is that many times she is wobbly because of a bad hip. At 96, they will not do anything about the hip. So, often she needs a steadying arm and an occasional help to accomplish things. All things considered, she does quite well and most of the time is happy to continue her daily schedule.
We are looking forward to returning the field in May, but that always reminds us of you – those who pray for our protection and give financially. We thank God for your faithfulness, and pray He will greatly bless you this year.
For DEAF souls in Mexico,
Gary and Ann Layne