November, 2022

Dear Praying Friends,

     We are thankful that the tremors and quakes we reported in September have passed. No major damage was done with the exception of two cracks that had to be repaired in our house. Others were cosmetic and are being fixed as necessary. All of our houses are constructed of masonry so strong shaking does cause some damage.

      Sunday November 13th, we requested that all members make a major effort to come to a meeting following the preaching. Instead of four or five, there were 20 adult members there. Since the churches were closed for nearly two years with only an occasional opening, many became accustomed to a different schedule. We presented a couple of legitimate reason for a member to miss and three invalid reasons for missing. We gave Scriptural basis for faithfulness to the services. At the closing, several possibilities were listed for the church: sell, give away to another ministry or be serious about coming faithful. Surprisingly, all 20 committed to coming regularly and being faithful to the Lord.

      Last Sunday we were short a few but the majority are being true to their commitment. The initiative of a manger scene made with felt that we gave them seems to be working. After the services all stayed to work on their manger scenes and promised to be back regularly. Any new or invited guest will be given a special Christmas ornament. Our only desire is to see the Deaf of our community come to know the Lord and then to walk with Him faithfully.

       We are hoping to be able to meet with several of our fellow missionaries for Thanksgiving. It is the only time of the year we can try to get several families together. It is always good to see how God is blessing in other ministries and to encourage one another.

       We are tentatively planning a furlough this coming year, but no dates have been solidified. We decided to stay this year since the pandemic had worked so hard against the ministry here (and in other places). We felt any encouragement, counseling and Bible study we could keep going would help our congregation to stay by the stuff. As a final blow, our social media page suddenly disappeared. There is no record of it or its demise. We used the page exclusively to keep our members in touch and to teach the Word. It is just another way the Devil is trying to stop the preaching of God’s Word.

       Thank you so much for your faithful giving and prayers. There is so much evil and wickedness being promoted as “goodness,” as you know. It is exactly as the Lord said it would be. Thank you for remaining true to Him and His Word. May God bless you.

For DEAF souls in Mexico,

                                                      Gary & Ann Layne 





Unknown said…
We are continuing praying for the Ministry of God’s word as it says: “For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.”
‭‭Hebrews‬ ‭4‬:‭12‬ ‭NIV‬‬
We love you all 💕🙏🏾 Pastor Layne … Gray and Annette
Your Ohio hometown friends and Born again believers in Jesus Christ
Hugh and Annette .

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