September 19, 2022
WHEW! It has been many years since we have had an earthquake, much less one of more than a 4.2 or so. At 1:05 we had a whopper for about two minutes forty seconds. As always happen as they decipher the data, some differences in the strength change. The official National Seismologic Service now reports a 7.7. It started like a small tremor and about the time I thought it was over, the house really shook. Ann is at the dentist; Ethan is at school and Lance was here with me. All family and kids are fine. They say there will be more aftershocks. Nothing like a little shaking to get the heart started.
I am praising the Lord that my ophthalmologist has finally hit upon the right medication for my eye. I had cataracts removed on July 7th. I immediately had an allergic reaction and he ordered medicine to treat it. After the medication was finished, I still had “sand” under my eyelid. He inspected it, removed a white bump and treated it with antibiotics due to infection (my eyelid, not my eye). After finishing that, I was still spending three to four hours every morning with my left eye tearing to the point that I could not keep it open long. Reading was only for a short time and the computer was worst. Being a good man, I FINALLY decided to go back to the doctor and he prescribed a corticosteroid which has almost completely fixed the problem. Praise the Lord.
Pray for our deaf. We do not seem to be getting through to them about faithfulness. They had been so good until COVID hit. It changed lives so much, losing their job or being laid off for many months, travel on public transportation was so dangerous, other family members having to go to work to keep the family fed, etc. I believe some are so depressed they are not thinking Biblically. Oddly enough, I have chatted with folks from the USA to Central America, and it seems many are suffering the same way. Pray we can get them to wake up and make their lives count for the Lord.
Thank you so much for praying for us even when no one can foresee the situation. Our God is great.
Gary and Ann Layne