May Newsletter

May 23, 2022

Philippians 1:3

I thank my God upon every remembrance of you


Dear Pastor,

     It has come to our attention that some of you have not been receiving our prayer letters. We sincerely apologize for this problem. Since we are still on the field, we are not aware of problems unless someone happens to mention it or notifies us of the problem. Thank you very much for those of you who have let us know of this problem. We are working to correct any errors or failure in our delivery to you.

     If someone in the church would be willing to check a couple of bits of information, it would help us tremendously. We use the address for our mail to you as it is written on the receipt you receive from BIMI. If you are not receiving anything from them or it comes with errors, please let us (and them) know. We realize that at different times the person responsible for the mission information changes. You can always correct the address on the return slip to the mission.

     Secondly, we always try to make sure that every letter is also posted on our blog in a timely manner, (, so that if you do not receive a hard copy, you can still see the latest letter. If you are not receiving a notice of our blog, contact us and we will correct any email address we may have for you.

     We are on the field because God called us, and because He put it in your heart to support this ministry. We WANT you to be aware of the developments and blessing that God is directing our way as well as special prayer requests we might have. We do not “forward” messages or send anything except family and ministry news from here. We want desperately to maintain good communication with you.

     We praise the Lord that the government has finally removed restrictions from public areas here. I understand that they formally declared the pandemic to be over. Most of us are being very careful around groups and as far as I know, face coverings are still required at the airports. The church is meeting, but we have the same problem as many of you. For nearly two years our doors have been closed with few exceptions. Especially when it seemed to slow down some, the government permitted an opening of the public places and then closed them within a few days. The on again, off again caused many of the deaf to lose the habit of faithfully attending church,

     We have just returned from our field conference for Mexico and Latin America. I believe it was one of the best meetings we have experienced. We were privileged to see missionary friends we haven’t seen in several years and heard great messages from the Word of God.

     We praise the Lord our family is well. Gary has been off all medications for diabetes for over a year. Ann had her appendix taken out last July after rupturing, but God blessed in a wonderful way in that she sustained no abscess or infection. Lance, (Cheyenne’s oldest son), often walks with Gary for 45 minutes a day at a fast pace. Ethan has returned to regular school after overcoming his fears of going back. Jon and family and Faithann and family are all doing well, as is Cynthia’s (Faithann’s daughter) new baby (great grandchild number 3).

     It seems that our embassy no longer warns of the danger of COVID here, but we are still on a no travel list due to violence. We are so thankful for your prayers and His protection. Pray for MEXICO!


For DEAF souls in Mexico,                 





Gary & Ann Layne



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