April, 2021


Psalm 27:13  I had fainted, unless I had believed to see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living.


Dear Praying Friends,

     In the midst of so much confusion and turmoil it is such a blessing to see the goodness of the Lord to me! We are still in yellow, but the cases continue. We were on all-stop red just before Easter. Suddenly, a day before spring vacation the color changed to green, so everyone ran for the beach. There are those who believe it was political because now we are back in yellow. It seems as though this world cannot figure this out.

     COVID claimed another precious soul this past week in the death of a fellow missionary here. It seems like we go for a period of time and hear nothing and then we hear of several close to us. We are taking every precaution and are keeping in touch with the deaf through video chats. Most of our deaf have gone back to work or have been permanently laid off.  Our church has only recently been given the go ahead with services. We have a new deaf person who promised to come this Sunday.

     Being closed so long has definitely been negative for our church. The deaf are scattered and are less likely to see each other during the week. Masks cause problems with the deaf due to lip reading and/or facial expressions. When all have masks and no facial signaling can be seen, the deaf do better with video conferencing. However, that takes time because not everyone is available when the other person needs them.

     Our schools are still 100% video conference for all ages. It seems to be more difficult for those younger ones to stay focused, especially when the teacher goes around the class to get a response from each student. We wonder with the rest of the world how this will affect the younger ones in the long run.

     We continue in the work of the Lord and try to obey the requests of the government. It makes it very hard to carry out the programing for the church.

     We thank the Lord for His protection and for the good health He has provided. Gary continues to do well with his exercise and diet. Thank you for praying.  

     Thank you for praying for us and the deaf during these days. Prayerfully, things will get better soon. We know He is still on the throne and although we do not see the reasons, we KNOW He is fully aware of what is going on. Thank you for caring and supporting us financially and prayerfully. We do pray for you as we are sure you have been through much of the very same things.

     May God greatly bless you and keep you safe.

For DEAF souls in Mexico,                          

Gary & Ann Layne



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