March 23 2021

 Dear Praying Friends,

     Praise the Lord the church is open again, even if still limited by the government. Each time the services are started again, we start at a reduced attendance and with limited time. For the past year the church has had about five services. That is not very good for trying to build a congregation. The limits are no children under 18 or adults over 59 and the services are mandated to be very short in time. Those who are in the age group have been faithful to attend, but the on again, off again has taken a toll.

     The deaf who have been sick are better and as far as we know, just the one family has been certified to have had COVID.  They are well and we pray soon that the epidemic will begin to slack off. We are still under a mask mandate and are just below the red level. There are still quite a few folks who think this is a big game. Our city is enormous and so even a relatively large number is still not a big percentage. We pray daily for a quick relief. The state has received some vaccines, but not nearly enough to even cover the most essential workers, not even thinking about the average citizen. 

     To our surprise, several of the deaf have been called back to work. When they were dismissed, everyone thought that would be the end of their job, and were told so. Now, little by little a few places are beginning to open and so workers are needed. It has been hard on our folks just as much as anyone else. Some have gone back to street peddling just because there are no jobs. Whether this has been controlled by the devil or not, it has been a devastating time for all involved. We are no where near being back to normal.

     We praise the Lord that we have been able to send out encouragement and even counseling by way of social media (private of course). Gary tries to keep teaching and/or preaching in front of them, especially lessons which can be applied directly in these times. Our outreach has suffered but we pray that with better health will come better response.

     Thank you so much for keeping us in your prayers. It seems impossible, but we are keeping busier now trying to get lessons than before the pandemic. It takes more time to prepare a video than to prepare for teaching face to face. Then we go through a process to make sure that it is correct before sending it out. However, we have not been happier any time before in our ministry. During the week we will be contacted multiple times by the deaf asking, "I have a cough or runny nose. Does that I have COVID?" or other question about health, taking medications, asking for someone to call the doctor for them, etc. There is joy in serving Jesus!

     We also pray for you. We have heard of many who got sick and have prayed for your recovery. We are so thankful for the good results we have heard and the faithfulness of our Lord. We add to that the good health He gives us and the protection He has afforded against the odds. We shall continue to pray for you as we see the door to health slowly opening. 

     Thank you for including us in your ministry, your support and your prayers. "Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God." Hebrews 12:2.

For DEAF souls in Mexico,

Gary and Ann Layne


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