June 25 2020
Dear Praying Friends,
We are praying for you as you continue to pray for us. We are still quarantined and have just passed the top of the mountain concerning the Covid-19 disaster. We have not heard an "all clear" but it appears that our trouble spots concern Mexico City more than here. We have heard of a few we know that have been sick, but it has been lighter here than in other places. We are still under a strict facial mask mandate and are unable to ride in a car or enter a store without social distancing and a mask. It does get old but like so many, we lost ancestors during the 1918-19 flu epidemic, so we realize that safety does make a huge difference in final numbers.
As you can see, I am including a picture of Lance and I. We have not included pictures for several years after it was discovered that much of the evil of past days was caused by posting pictures, information, etc. and the guys in the penitentiary were capturing profiles and picture and could send someone to a school or address to pressure for money. However, I have wanted to update so many who have not been able to keep up with Lance's progress. He turned 15 on Tuesday. He is about two inches taller than I, just clearing 6 feet tall. The most wonderful thing about him is his humbleness and his love for the Lord. He said all along he wasn't going to be upset with this illness because God was going to heal him. He did.
All of us are well and are able to maintain a decent ministry through the cell phone. Everyday Gary makes a video from one verse of Psalm 119 and helps them make application for their personal life. By sending it through social media, it is then sent to Monterrey where it is taught there through their pastor making additional applications and on to eastern Mexico where another deaf pastors uses it for further ministry. We also communicate almost daily through video calls because many of the deaf are not working right now.
We hope to open services on or near the 12 of July with several stipulations required by the government. The building must be thoroughly cleaned and sanitized, only persons 18 - 60 may attend (no children and no senior citizens), everyone must use a mask to arrive and through the entire service and every person must clean their feet on a special sanitizing mat, wash their hands and then apply disinfecting gel as well as sit at least two meters apart. Of course that is the map lined out today. It could change.
When I was five I memorized Psalm 121: 1, 2 and I know it is still as good today as it was many years ago. During this frustrating time let us lift up our eyes unto Him that made Heaven and earth. God bless you all.
Gary and Ann Layne