June 20, 2017
Dear Praying Friends,
Although we have been stressed out beyond imagination, God is still on the throne. A week ago, the Lord allowed us to lead one of our new ladies to the Lord. She was very embarrassed when we mentioned sin and the Lord started breaking her heart. After a few minutes, and after explaining how God loves her even with all of her sin, she asked the Lord to save her. She immediately shared her joy with others and could not get the smile off her face. I won't give you her name for safety's sake but I will include this photo. (She was worried you would see that she had been crying).
What a battle we have been through! I have blogs and a prayer letter I have been trying to get out since the first of April. My main computer's hard drive started acting up so I made sure to make backups of everything. I searched and searched for what was wrong and Jonathan finally diagnosed it as a really weird physical problem with my drive. If it is straight up and down on edge, it will work. In any other position it won't. So we started working to get an old computer working in case of total failure. Well, the failure came and only at that point did we realize that the backup drive would not read as well. We still have no idea what happened to either of them. They both have been turned inside out for malware, spyware, viruses, errors, etc. I have worked for weeks trying to recoup files from older versions and make something work. Jonathan got me a new drive for the old machine and we started trying to rebuild all of the files. Try going for several weeks without a computer!!

Another deaf lady that we had a chance to work with several years ago moved to another city and after several years now is missing. We have no idea of what happened but are praying for her safety.
The Bible Institute continues with a good results and good attendance. We worked our way through Biblical marriage principles and are now focusing on the Biblical handling of our finances. In so many of these areas, the deaf have never been taught. As I have mentioned before, we now have a whole generation of young folks who have never been is any of our classes. Their only input to these subjects has been their lost friends. It is so gratifying to see them dig through the Scriptures and then see their eyes light up as they realize that God really has given us good counsel in His Word. Several of them have maxed out several credit cards as young marrieds and are now trying to correct their errors. How sweet to watch them discover these truths!
Thank you again for your prayers and support, even though you may not have known exactly what you were praying for. God knew and answered anyway. Thank you for allowing us to represent you here among the deaf community. His Word is changing lives.
Gary & Ann