New Year News
Dear Praying Friends,
I just want to bring you up to date on recent news. A full newsletter is in the making. We started the New Year on a good roll, looking forward to completing many new goals. I installed part of a tile floor in a closet for Cheyenne and since it had not been used since construction, it contained a lot of the dust from the construction. I have had bad allergies for years with dust, so I was not surprised when I had some reactions.
Sunday morning I awoke with fever, heavy congestion and total fatigue. By Monday, I was in a battle to breathe and started on medications to relieve the conditions, including injections. For the next week I faithfully took the medications waiting for the big kick to come along. By Sunday I was nearly ready to go to the hospital (I am male, a Layne, not used to taking medicine, etc,). When Cheyenne called the doctor, he suggested I needed to do just that (hospital). He added that I needed to be in a heated room and I knew the hospitals here do NOT heat rooms, so I opted to stay home. The doctor changed my meds and I have started to move closer to recuperation. It is now Thursday and I finally feel like maybe I have started to climb up that long mountain to be "better." I share this with you because we often do not share with you when we are in a battle so as not to bother you. Some of our friends "fuss" at us because they DO want to know and pray. This day of social media ("in the shower, shaving for my new day, etc.) does not fit well with my "old time" upbringing. I apologize if I do not give you enough information.
I was part of two long-time church positions before I became a missionary, so I experienced many things on the other side of the desk before I became one myself. I guess for that reason I am a little more careful with using daily pleas. I try to make our communications an overall update. All of us get colds, hurt our fingers, etc. Feel free to express your feelings concerning this. Thank you for praying for us even when you may not know the details. We cherish your prayers and your love for us. We especially appreciate those who write from time to time to express your concern. The devil is alive and well, but "greater is He that is in you."
Politically, things seemed to have improved here some. As far as where we are, things have been quiet for a good while. Either they are working around new ways to co-exist or the government has won a reserved battle here with the forces. However, there are still warnings out for everyone about the rolling roadblocks which cannot be predicted. They hit both toll roads and back roads. There are battles daily along the border, so even arriving near the border does not relieve all danger. It is still recommended that unless a trip into the country is absolutely necessary, it should be avoided. By flying, you can avoid much of the danger, but it is always there. It is still recommended that you be near home come night time. We still hear night time reports from gunfire, but not directly affecting us. As long as God gives us peace to be here, we will continue to labor for Him.
As I stated, our prayer letter is soon to be sent. I will post it here as well. May God you today.
Gary & Ann