Merry Christmas

And this shall be a sign unto you; Ye shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger.

December  2013

Luke 2:12
Dear Praying Friends,

     Thank you so much for having a great amount of patience with us. As we mentioned in our blog, since we gave up our phone line before leaving for furlough, we are stuck without a line. Our phone service is both our phone connection and our Internet. Any other service is not available on this side of the highway. We are working on getting a new line to restore our connection with the world. Our daughter was talking with us this week and we mentioned the headaches with a new line, and she reminded us that we need not risk names or computer in a local Internet café, because we could use her computer and her connections. We had been thinking that we would need to carry our computer into town and then use her connection, all without the risk of carrying the computer or weird locations. The only problem had been that she was teaching in the public school and was not available until well after dark. Pray we can work through this process quickly (?).
     The church seems to be doing well, but not fabulous. None are not doing things wrongly; they are just not doing all they should. One was saved last month and another is being worked on this month. However, our deaf know many hundreds of deaf who have not yet been saved. Pray as they work through these issues that they will respond directly to the Holy Spirit as He leads them. We have a good church and good folks with hearts that desire the right things. They just need to be sensitive to the Lord’s leading in reaching out to others. They have been taught correctly, shown correctly and need only to put all they know into good practice daily.
     Our only member over 6 feet (mentioned in our presentation) shared news a week ago that thrilled us to the very core. A new man had been attending who had gone to school with several of our deaf. Juan Miguel became burdened for him and decided to visit him at his house. While there, he was able to witness and then lead Carlos to the Lord. After JM shared the news, Gary asked him if this was his first soul to lead to the Lord. He smiled very broadly and shook his head “Yes.” Hopefully, this will catch on to others.
     Since returning, we have actively been checking the waters for new opportunities. We have checked with several trustworthy folks here and the 100% conclusion is that neither of our two target cities is safe as of today. One is still controlled by the military; the other is under control of the bad guys. We certainly will look at other prospects immediately and pray the Lord opens new doors to us.
     We are so thankful for your faithful prayer and financial support. We do apologize for not being able to keep close connections with you, but that should change shortly. We cannot make a contract until we have secured a new line. Things just do not work the same here as in other places. As soon as we are connected, you will know and will be give the address and numbers as to how to contact us and we can contact you. Thank you so much for caring and giving.

    We wish all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!


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