
      Our conference in Denver has ended, hearts were stirred and blessed and life has returned to "normal." It turned out to be one of the best meetings we have attended. The church has a goal of $190,000 this year for missions. Praise the Lord!
     We decided to take advantage of being a few miles from the Continental Divide and toured both Rocky Mountain National Park (RMNP) and Mount Evans. We found a brochure about the latter and decided to make the drive. It started as a normal drive through the mountains. After checking in at the park entrance, we started a slow, steady climb up towards the summit. When we arrived at Summit lake, it was a lot cooler, but still nice. We almost did not walk around the hill at Summit Lake since a walk is difficult for Ann. However, I started and Ann followed. The result was seeing the 14'ers we had seen the day before in RMNP about 50 miles away. After literally catching our breath, both from the altitude and the view, we continued the last several miles to the summit at 14, 130 feet above sea level. The road was narrow, barely two lanes with no guard rails often zooming upward at an unusual grade. At certain points, the road turns sharply right or left so that the road nearly disappears leaving only sky in front of you. The road often switches back and forth and there would be nothing to stop you if your tires slipped off the blacktop. Where the blacktop stops, the sheer drop off begins and falls off roughly six hundred feet down tons of boulders. It gave the thrill of an amusement ride but with deadly results if an error is made. Before we arrived at the top, it began to snow/sleet and the temperature dropped to 46 degrees without wind chill. At the top, you can see almost 360 degrees around you, about 150 miles south and more than 50 miles to the north. It was absolutely mind boggling!!  
    Oh, what a fabulous Creator we have! Words can never explain nor picture even capture what we experienced.


Jim Walterhouse said…
Are you all ok? Not heard anything in a while.

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