
      Last week I inadvertently left my laptop on all night and several updates were added during the night. It appears that one of them overwrote a section of the program files for the operating system. The next day I was met with the blue screen of death, meaning my system wouldn't boot. Now several days later, I am back up but not totally restored yet. Hopefully, all can be transferred successfully within a few days. I apologize for the unexpected delay.
     We are off once again to visit a church an hour and a half away. It seems like that has been the rule of thumb for quite a while. We have enjoyed every church we have visited with. Each one has touched us in a very special way. Recently, we encountered two different folks that I (Gary) graduated from high school with MANY years ago, and whom I have not seen since. We spent Sunday evening with a cousin in her church. Others have been folks we went to Bible college with or childhood friends. Of course, most have been FRIENDS that we have made along the way. Some are empty seats of those who have passed on and are really missed.
     Occasionally, we get the idea that we are not as young as we used to be. Those 12 hour trips seem to take longer and to take more out of us, but we are happy we can still make them. We still have a trip to Chattanooga and one to Denver before we go back.
     Please pray for the family of Fred DeSpain who passed away last night. He is from our sending church in Andalusia, IL and has been a good friend for decades. His family loves and serves the Lord, so they will not grieve as the world does,but he will be greatly missed.
     We are looking forward to getting back on the field. Recently, Cheyenne told us that one of the ladies stopped her to ask about us. She mentioned she prays for us every day. She was one of four sisters who came to our church with no sign language.She and her husband have been spiritual leaders in the church for years now, and we believe her when she says she prays daily for us. What a blessing! 
     May God bless you today.
Gary & Ann


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