June 17, 2013

     WOW! What a tremendous weekend. We were invited to a deaf emphasis weekend in Lewisburg and then to stay over for Sunday services. We started Saturday with 17 deaf showing up for a devotional, meal and then games. We had a terrific day and couldn't wait for Sunday.
     Sunday was just as surprising as Saturday. All but one couple who came from Charleston were there for the Sunday services. I taught SS and interpreted the morning service for the pastor. They took wonderful care of us and the deaf promised to come back for the evening service. All 15 returned for the PM service. For both services, the pastor and the deaf department prepared a very impressive program that featured and used the deaf in the services and in the DVD presentation. The evening service featured a testimony by one of the interpreters as to how the deaf ministry started, followed by the deaf leader leading the entire congregation in prayer. I preached about Christ healing the deaf man. The special music even featured a song about the deaf. The entire day was very skillfully designed to highlight the deaf ministry and involve more in reaching the deaf.
    It was one of the greatest days we have experienced. It was a new church for us, but one experience we will not soon forget. The hearing folks were very sweet and really seemed interested in doing more to reach the deaf community. Praise the Lord!


Anonymous said…
Nice to know that your weekend go such great with activity keep doing such work.

translation ahmedabad
interpretation ahmedabad
Unknown said…
May God give us more churches like that here in the USA!
Unknown said…
Oh, yes- Lewisburg! My folks lived there for 5 years.

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