Las Vegas
Well, we are here! Our airline moved flights twice on us recently, the last without notification. Our trip that was planned five months ago became a totally new experience, but a good one. We were awed yesterday as we flew across Arizona. It was relatively overcast, but the glimpses were beautiful. We have driven through Arizona several times, but it looks a little different from 35,000 feet.
When we got here about 6:30 PM local time, our bags were no where to be found. After some waiting and checking around, we discovered they were outside the office in a semi-private area. Praise the Lord. One hundred degrees at 6:30 does not make a pleasant bag search. We called the motel shuttle and was told it should be there within 15 minutes. We waited and watched while sitting outside (slightly less than 100 degrees). After one hour, I called again to see if there was a problem. Of course there was - the driver was to blame, the front desk was to blame, etc. We arrived at our motel at about 9:25 PM. They were lacking something and had to check on our reservation (made and paid for in February). Finally we were given the OK, went to our room, headed out to find something to eat (about 11:00). We walked to the nearest little mall and ate pizza! We had not eaten since 12:00 Noon.
We are looking for a wonderful opportunity to serve the Lord here, but are well aware that the devil knows we are here, and why we are here. I am sure most people do not come here to hear the Gospel. Please pray for safety for the team of 35. Pray for the Evangelical outreach we seek to have with the deaf at Deaf/Nation World Outreach. We are not here just to chat and have a good time among deaf -we will - but are here to evangelize those with whom we come into contact. Pray for clarity in signing that the deaf will understand our message (at least 72 countries will be represented, so much of the conversation will not be formal signs in many situation). Pray not for numbers, but souls.
Thank you for caring.
Gary & Ann