
     Welcome to our niche in the world. One week ago today, we had another accident in front of our house on the main highway into town. The second vehicle spun and hit a power pole made of reinforced concrete with a hollow center. The pickup truck shredded the concrete from ground level to about six feet up. The pole dropped the six feet, touched the truck with the electrical wires and caused a huge ball of fire from the wires to the truck, snapped the telephone wires and the cable wire as well as those support wires which hold all of that up. Fortunately, every one walked away from it with nothing more than being shaken up. HOWEVER, it took until late Saturday before the power was reinstated, which also means no water (water pump).
     Since last Friday we have had no contact with the outside world either by phone or by Internet since our Internet comes by phone line. I have paced the property waiting to hear or see the repairmen to make sure they reconnect us. Even today, no one showed up. All of the sudden, the phone rang. It was the phone company stating everything was working. Apparently instead or rerunning wires, they simply switched connections some place else and got it to work. From our pole to the next pole, there are no wires. I don't know how, but I am happy to be among the "living" again. I guess the world continued on without us, right?
     The one really good result was that I had time to work on several projects uninterrupted. What wonderful peace! 
     Sunday, I asked José if I could talk to him after the service and show him some pictures. He was more than happy to agree. During the service one of our ladies mentioned that he came to their house on Saturday and she and her husband led him to the Lord. Praise the Lord. I would rather THEY win souls even though I love to be there to see a new one understand and ask the Lord to save them. Even before the service was over, I asked him publicly about his salvation and he gave quick assurance that he understood and was sure of Heaven.
     The church is growing slowly but steadily. I was told that the former deacon had started his church again in the city park and my response was, "God bless him." He refused to do the right thing while at our church, so I pray he will reach new deaf and do a work for God. I only fear that after 25 years with us and refusing to do anything for the Lord, he will only repeat his errors in another place and the deaf will be hurt instead of helped.
     I (Gary) am healing well from surgery and other than a few little pesky things, I am ready to say I'm done. I still have stitches in my nose but those should disappear within 10 days. The doctor took out a large blood clot back inside my nose and he said I should be breathing even better now. He was very pleased with what he saw. I can actually feel the air pass through the left side which is a feeling I had forgotten about. We are working on reducing a few pounds which also will help. Thank you so much for praying.
     We appreciate so much our folks back home who maintain the home place while we labor for Him. We know the time grows shorter and that soon we will hear the trumpet call. By the way, several of the deaf asked about that call last Sunday. What would happen to them when the trumpet sounded? How could they hear the trumpet? What a thrill to explain to them that God would not forget them. Perhaps the first sound they will hear will be that trumpet. Praise be to Him.
Gary & Ann


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