
Showing posts from April, 2012


     Welcome to our niche in the world. One week ago today, we had another accident in front of our house on the main highway into town. The second vehicle spun and hit a power pole made of reinforced concrete with a hollow center. The pickup truck shredded the concrete from ground level to about six feet up. The pole dropped the six feet, touched the truck with the electrical wires and caused a huge ball of fire from the wires to the truck, snapped the telephone wires and the cable wire as well as those support wires which hold all of that up. Fortunately, every one walked away from it with nothing more than being shaken up. HOWEVER, it took until late Saturday before the power was reinstated, which also means no water (water pump).      Since last Friday we have had no contact with the outside world either by phone or by Internet since our Internet comes by phone line. I have paced the property waiting to hear or see the repairmen to make sure t...

Tuesday, April 17

     I want to keep everyone updated, but I don't want to be a bother. Everything is going well according to the doctor, and he is more than pleased. He has removed all restrictions concerning activities and diet, so I am on the mend. At the most, this has been an inconvenience with minor repercussions. It was bothersome for the first week, and I still have a few sore places to date, but considering what they would have done just a few years ago, this is nothing. The only "problem" I have had has been snapping back to normal. Six days after surgery, I developed the beginnings of an nasal infection which threw me for a loop. As the doctor checked me in the other day, he asked if I had been taking the antibiotic. I answered "Yes" and Cheyenne answered "No." Come to find out, when she called him, he was leaving town, so they were unable to meet to get the prescription (no, the doctor cannot just call the pharmacy). He told Cheyenne to put me on a medicine...

Monday, April 2

     Thank you all so much for praying. The weekend went well with few uncomfortable events. The surgery basically felt as though I bit my tongue in several places at the same time and had a sore throat. It was actually a probe that was inserted and then charged with radio frequency to vaporize the various sections of my tongue, palate and a few other parts. I apologize for several errors in the update on Thursday, but everyone was so kind as to not mention them. The deviated was not the palate but rather the septum. It appears everyone read past the mistakes and realized I had just arrived home. We have worked diligently with the many canker sores and they are slowly disappearing.      Today was my first post-op doctor visit and he was happy with the results. When asked his opinion about the progress he simply stated, "Well, very well." I do not return for 10 days which says a lot. He had predicted that I would probably need to return in two days...