Monday, August 8

     We had another terrific Sunday, but one that was a little different. I had decided to confront our ex-deacon because they begged to come back to the services seven months ago and we permitted that IF they would complete their requirements to make full repentance before the church and make amends and corrections for what they had done before. They readily agreed, but have not made any move towards meeting with the members and making the necessary repairs. Their daughter got married last Saturday (31st) so I did understand why they left immediately after the service last week. They were exhausted. I decided that it would work better yesterday anyhow.
     Rigo came by himself yesterday and did not bring his wife. The deaf were pressuring me about what to do. They could see the need but did not want to tackle the issue by themselves. We met with him after the service as a board of directors. His first response was, "I'll just go to another city and another church."    PLEASE UNDERSTAND: we have worked 40 years with the deaf, 28+ in Mexico. I finally stated to him, "That sounds like the coward's way out. You admit you were wrong but refuse to make it right with the church. Be a man, accept the responsibility and make it right with your brothers in Christ. That takes guts." At times, there are things that come out of my mind and heart that are pure DEAF, that I would probably never say to a hearing person. The point is, it broke his pride and his haughty spirit and he humbled himself and agreed that he will go before the church and make everything right. He promised on his own to go to the deaf man he led astray and convince him to do likewise. His whole spirit changed and it appears that he is willing to do the right thing. Our next step would have been to ask them not to return, so we were pleased with the Spirit's moving.
     While we were still meeting with Rigo, in walked Pedro, our dear brother who was also led astray by Rigo and his friend. Pedro has been very bitter for months and was the one responsible for writing Horacio to say that the church didn't want Armando any more and not to come back. Pedro has not been faithful in the church for about five years. He sat down after greeting everyone and was wanting to start to lay out his demands for the church. I stopped him before he could start and asked him why he turned so belligerent against me. What had I done that changed so many years of deep love in Christ to almost hate? He finally spit out one conversation in which I told him he should not have written Horacio because he in no way represented the church, yet in spoke in words that sounded as though he were speaking for all. After much conversation and clarification, he finally admitted he was wrong to do so. He said it was just a short little message - just one. I turned him to James 3 concerning the tongue and how a little thing can become a mighty force by the use of the tongue. I used the verses stating about the ship and Pedro immediately referred to how one little match can destroy a whole forest. The Lord took over from there and it appears that Pedro had to deal with the Holy Spirit instead of the flesh as in previous conversations. He left the meeting with a promise to likewise come before the members and make things right, honestly. Even Rigo encouraged him to humble himself and do the right thing. Please pray that these two will follow through as instructions from the Lord, not just another hollow promise.
     However, we praise the Lord for your prayers, even though you were unaware of the exact details, someone has been praying faithfully for this ministry! It was so obvious that it was not US as leaders in the church, nor the two men, nor the members, but that God was in control of that meeting. I just absolutely love to be in a place when HE takes full control and we sit back like we are in an "out-of-the-body experience" and see Him perform miracles. If only we would live in that mode in every minute!!
     Thank you so much for being a part of God's great work. May He bless you today.
Gary & Ann


Robert Murillo said…
Brother Layne,

We are missionaries in Guadalajara also and are trying to get a hold of you. We have a deaf boy in our children's home and we wanted to talk to you.

Missionary Robert Murillo

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