June 9
Thank you for your patience and faithfulness in praying. I apologize for not keeping this up, but most of our time has been spent in driving!
Our field conference was a smashing success in our opinion. Bro. Rusty Smith was a tremendous blessing, preaching straight to us from Scripture. He is a very challenging, but loving preacher. He reached us exactly where we were at the moment, opened his own soul to us and made direct Scriptural applications to each point. Thank you PastorSmith.
I had to shake my head as I saw the camp facilities that were rented for the conference. This wasn't how our camp was when I was a kid and certainly isn't like anything we have in Mexico! We are thankful for our field director, Terry Jones and his wife Kay, for all the good planning and making the time well worth while.
We were able to visit Gary's brother, Mike and Ann's mother, Casey, as well as several friends, family and supporting churches. It was a very worthwhile (short) visit.
The last day we were home, we ran by my great, great grandfather's grave which has been hidden in brush and thought destroyed since the 1960's. At nearly dark, I stumbled upon the stone. What a tremendous find which had alluded us for decades. The stone bore an inscription that I have been able to quote a small portion of since about 1960. To see it clearly sitting on a recently cleared section was almost surreal. It stated, "He followed virtue as his truest guide, Lived as a Christian, as a Christian died." A good piece of history to be recovered from the jungles of an overgrown graveyard.
Thank you for praying for the folks in Mexico. The violence continues and seems to worsen rather than gets better. We remind you that there are many of the innocents who love the Lord and are only there because their town/city has been overthrown by thugs and they are caught in the middle. Please continue to pray for these dear brother in Christ who are suffering for Him.
Thank you again for faithfully praying for us and for the deaf. I promise to do alittle better in keeping this blog updated. God bless you.
Gary & Ann
Our field conference was a smashing success in our opinion. Bro. Rusty Smith was a tremendous blessing, preaching straight to us from Scripture. He is a very challenging, but loving preacher. He reached us exactly where we were at the moment, opened his own soul to us and made direct Scriptural applications to each point. Thank you PastorSmith.
I had to shake my head as I saw the camp facilities that were rented for the conference. This wasn't how our camp was when I was a kid and certainly isn't like anything we have in Mexico! We are thankful for our field director, Terry Jones and his wife Kay, for all the good planning and making the time well worth while.
We were able to visit Gary's brother, Mike and Ann's mother, Casey, as well as several friends, family and supporting churches. It was a very worthwhile (short) visit.
The last day we were home, we ran by my great, great grandfather's grave which has been hidden in brush and thought destroyed since the 1960's. At nearly dark, I stumbled upon the stone. What a tremendous find which had alluded us for decades. The stone bore an inscription that I have been able to quote a small portion of since about 1960. To see it clearly sitting on a recently cleared section was almost surreal. It stated, "He followed virtue as his truest guide, Lived as a Christian, as a Christian died." A good piece of history to be recovered from the jungles of an overgrown graveyard.
Thank you for praying for the folks in Mexico. The violence continues and seems to worsen rather than gets better. We remind you that there are many of the innocents who love the Lord and are only there because their town/city has been overthrown by thugs and they are caught in the middle. Please continue to pray for these dear brother in Christ who are suffering for Him.
Thank you again for faithfully praying for us and for the deaf. I promise to do alittle better in keeping this blog updated. God bless you.
Gary & Ann