April 11, 2011
We praise God for His continual blessings on us and the protection of His mighty hand. For yesterday, Fernando asked me to preach and have the baby dedication. The deaf paid good attention and seemed to understand the message. After the main service, we had the dedication service for our two new babies. Both families wanted to make it known to their families, that they were NOT going to have their babies baptized, even though they pressure them greatly. This was their own decision, but they have taken a stand because of their experiences with their family. We praise the Lord for their spiritual strength. One family was dedicating their fourth and the other were newly weds dedicating their first.
Yesterday also brought a rather disturbing announcement from the American Consulate in Reynosa that NO American should cross the border into Mexico because the drug people have announced that they are going to start killing American police personnel (DEA, ICE, etc.) and any other American citizen that they find in the border areas all the way down to San Luis Potosí. SLP is right next to our state. They have been reporting that many of the bodies they have just found at the border area (Tamaulipas) were taken off regular bus routes that people use to travel between major cities (like Greyhound). We have ridden these buses many times. The three states mentioned were Tamaulipas, Nuevo Leon (Monterrey) and San Luís Potosí. Although only a few found were Americans, the vast majority of the 88 were Mexican nationals. These things break our hearts!
We are preparing to make our way to the border for a trip to Georgia for our field conference. The end of June we have been invited to DBFA (Deaf Baptist Fellowship of America) as speakers so we are thrilled to be able to address these folks for whom we have given our lives to the Lord. To us, this is a far greater honor than being invited to the White House!
Please continue to pray for our church. it APPEARS that all is going well, even with some of those who left. They have been exposed and the deaf were shocked that anyone could even think of such a plan. The main couple have returned as we have reported and they certainly appear to be doing what is necessary to return to the church. I believe that the deaf are far better judges than I of other deaf, so I believe they will certainly be keeping both eyes open. Pray that souls will be saved and the church will mature.
A newsletter is being prepared, so more news will be coming soon. Thank you for praying and giving for the ministry of the Lord.
Gary & Ann