February 23, 2011
Thank you for praying for us and for Gary's cousin's husband, Sammy Birchfield. Sammy came through a very rough weekend, but has come a long way. He was rushed to the hospital where they discovered that he was bleeding out, internally. They finally got the bleeding stopped and gave him 6 units of blood, platelets and other blood products. Add all of that together and you will see he was very close to crossing the line. Today they are putting filters in his veins to keep blood clots from moving through his body. He is able to get up to go to the bathroom now, so he has recovered well from this weekend. Sammy understands that this is a very serious situation and is ready to face it, even though he may not be fully aware how close he came this past weekend. Please continue to pray for him and the family as they look for an assissted nursing facility that can help him through this next step.
I apologize for dropping the communication, but all of a sudden I started having problems with my computer. Part of it may be that I noticed that the battery (mine is a laptop) was loose on one side. That may have been causing some of the failures.
Ever wonder how much you can endure? Last Sunday after the service, I was notified that two of our deaf were talking with two unsaved deaf, and they surprized by the recounting of a long conversation in which the ex-deacon, Rigoberto, (who has returned asking to be brought back into the fold) is telling everyone that in April, Rigobereto, Pedro, Omar and one other deaf are going to "overthrow" the leaders of the church so they can sell the property and split the funds. What troubles me the most (whether they are successful or not) is that three born-again Christians who have walked faithfully in the past, could have gone downward to the point that they would consider destroying the church for the sake of money. I pray that they will be unable to carry through for obvious reasons, but the greatest being that they would repent and make their hearts right with God and man. All the while, they sit quietly in the services "acting" as though everything is OK. We know the deaf are speaking the truth about them, because they recounted facts that only a few of our faithful deaf know about coming scheduling, when they were quoting these deaf Christians.
Please pray for these four deaf especially, that they will not play into the hands of the devil and try to carry through with these sinful plans. I think of the deaf who have been saved this past year, this year and those not yet saved. I cannot imagine being willing to stand before God and give account of ?#? deaf that went to Hell because they (Christians) destroyed the work of the Lord.
Thank you for faithfully praying sas we carry on the work of the Lord. He is not surprized by the above, but I am sure these are not His plans. God bless you today as you serve Him.
Gary & Ann