Prayer Letter

January 2011

1He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.
2I will say of the LORD, He is my refuge and my fortress: my God; in him will I trust.
Psalm 91:1-2

Dear Praying Friends,
The devil is alive and well! During Christmas, one of our members decided to take matters into his own hands. He has not come to church on a regular basis for more several years. When we voted on our pastor, he was voted in favor of him. When he left the church with the deacon, he wrote Horacio in Monterrey and told him that Armando was no longer wanted in Guadalajara and he should not return. Horacio looks to Armando as his son, so he suggested that Armando resign and return to Monterrey. Armando came back to Guadalajara last Friday and tendered his resignation on Sunday. He is very destroyed because of some of the defamation poured against him. Pray for Armando and for these deaf who allowed one person to talk them into wrong.
The members who left with the disgruntled deacon returned on Sunday as well. They were informed that due to their actions (gossip, defamation, open criticism and leaving the church) they will be put on probation which means they will not be returned to member status until they show true repentance and a changing of their ways. They must be faithful to the church in attendance and in their conduct. They are loved, but at this point, they are disobedient children who must mend their ways. Pray for true repentance.
The country continues to fight the evils that have overtaken it. The government is winning some battles, but the devil always has a plan “B.” Just this past Sunday, a group blockaded the major highway to the airport here, the first ever for us. They burned a double tractor-trailer and three cars as a means of keeping the police/military from arriving at their activities. By Wednesday (three days), the local government captured the ten culprits and has hopefully sent a strong message to the others. They declared that they would not permit the actions to happen here that have taken over the northern part of the country. At nearly the same time, they announced that robbery was up 263%, carjacking is averaging 450 vehicles a day and the crime related deaths are increasing. We are fully aware of the dangers, but still have the leading of the Lord to “stay by the stuff.” With the above occurrences at the church, we feel He definitely has kept us here for this hour.
Our camp ministry has been placed on hold by our pastors. They feel that with all of the dangers, especially in the north, it would not be wise to endanger our churches by moving large groups toward a camp. Many of the camps have closed because they do not wish to be taken over by the crime groups. They have targeted large, open ranches because they offer much land where they can hide their activities. Mexico is certainly a different country than we found in 1983!
We praise the Lord HE is still on the throne and for your faithfulness in both support and prayer. Many have had to leave because of the extreme dangers. Please remember the above requests as we seek to maximize the Gospel truth among the deaf.

For DEAF souls in Mexico,               
Gary & Ann Layne


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