August 23, 2010

     Praise the Lord for another wonderful Lord's day. We had good attendance, good preaching and good attitudes. Our dear friend, Pedro, says he has returned. We trust that is true and that he continues to be faithful.
     Folks are getting excited as we are planning our Independence Day celebration for Mexico. Just as we celebrate the Fourth of July, they celebrate the 16th of September. The church is planning a big day on the 12th as a means of inviting more deaf as well as celebrating liberty. Pray that souls will be saved this day.
      Please really pray for our country. We have now confirmed that the cartels are approaching churches in northern Mexico and demanding a monthly fee, or pay the consequences (two eye witnesses and an AP report). Some are giving in and some say, "Shoot me." The President of Mexico admitted this past week that in places, the cartels are not just interested in the money, but are taking steps to overrun the government. This past week a town (15,000) on the eastern coast was totally overrun by the cartel, the police force killed, the mayor taken hostage along with several members of an independent Baptist church. The people cannot fight back (even though that may not be wise) because ownership of any kind of weapon is strictly prohibited. A friend said this week, "What can we do? We have to depend on our government to protect us."
     Please pray for our deaf works in Ciudad Juarez (the deadliest city in the world), Monterrey (where most of the blackmail and the cartel roadblocks are going on), Colima, under the watchful care of the Army and several other areas under the control of the cartels. Pray that we can reach more of the deaf for Christ as the day of our Lord's return draws closer.
     Thank you, as always, for your faithfulness in financial and prayer support. Please accept the challenge to pray daily for the needs of this country. May God bless you.


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