Wednesday Update and photos

Dear Praying Friends,
     The latest update on our requests is that Tere is better, even though she passed through another crisis during the night. The doctors told her she did not have to worry about another total failure because of the medicine they have her on. She is still in danger, but is in the hospital with specialized care 24 hours a day. That will make a big difference. Please continue to pray for her.
     Wendell Drake is home, doing very well after a five by-pass operation. He wishes to thank all of you for praying and for those of you who responded to tell us you were praying. He will continue on through cardiac therapy to strengthen the areas disturbed in the operation, but he sounds very strong and very positive. I promised we would continue to pray for full recovery and would appreciate your prayers as the Lord calls him to your memory. Let me give you a quick background with Wendell. As you realize, a missionary is normally on his field four years and returns one year to visit his churches. I had a place to hunt, but because I was gone for four years, that permission was given to another person. I was perturbed that I was home for furlough and didn't have the slightest idea where I could go to hunt. Wendell had been saved in the interim and we went to report to his church. After the service we chatted and out of the clear blue, he asked if I liked to hunt. My eyes lit up so much that he invited me hunt with him. That was approximately 1990. We have been hunting buddies ever since and sometimes have been know to get up at 4:00 AM ready to hunt and still be there at mid morning chatting about Scripture. We DO hunt and go at it with all our might, but we are also good brothers in Christ.
      Here are some pictures of our new house, but not really good ones. The walls are VERY rough and is takes forever to paint them. Once finished, it is well worth the effort. You can click on any picture to make larger. All the yellow pictures are the before shots. Our house is one on left.
     Thank you for caring enough to ask.


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