Independence Day 2009
September 13, 2009
The Lord always outdoes what we think are His limits! Our Independence Day celebration (actually it will be September 16) was FAR beyond what we could imagine. We have been preparing for weeks, but the consensus was that we should plan for 100.
The fury began on Thursday with Faithann delivering her fourth child, a boy - 6 lb. 8 oz., 20 inches. We are excited that all went well and she has a happy, healthy boy. Saturday was my (Gary) birthday so we went as a family to Pollo Pepe's, a chicken place nearby. I was getting uptight because of all that needed to be completed before Sunday. Cheyenne and Ann were working furiously most of the night as well as 10-15 of our deaf young people who were busy setting up, decorating and cleaning the church.
We left our house at 9:30, picked up Faithann and her children (including the newborn) and headed to church. By the time we got there, the church family was busy scurrying around getting the last minute preparations finished. By 12:00 Noon, there were almost 100 people there. By the end of the service, there were 133 people (3 hearing + my family; all the rest were deaf). By the time we finished serving dinner, there were more than 140 folks in our church yard (40 x 60 feet). There were games set up all around the yard for the kids, similar to a fair.We spent the next several hours dealing with three who trusted Christ and with maintaining sanity. One of those saved was a young man who had been openly opposed to our ministry. When he finally got it, his mind and face lit up with the joy of the Lord. Several of his Christian friends could barely contain themselves with his salvation.
We arrived home after 8 PM, tired beyond measure, but thrilled with the workings of the Lord.
I preached on John 3, the story of Nicodemus and related how the Lord originally gave Adam and Eve both physical and spiritual life. The consequences of sin removed that blessed spiritual life from them, and they found themselves at enmity with God. Using figure cut out of Foamy, I explained how Nicodemus was like Adam and how we are like Nicodemus. It all went together well. Following the preaching were two dramas, the second relating perfectly the need of salvation. I feel that the one-two punch of varying presentations is what allowed the Spirit to work so openly.
Some will relate with "Christian Carlos." He and his girlfriend brought two lady friends to me because they wanted to be saved. I suggested that we had a lady deal with the ladies, so Guillermina, his girlfriend accepted the task and led them to the Lord. Carlos has been working a full schedule, so she has taken over the burden of carrying on their soul-winning efforts. Praise the Lord for young adults who are willing to carry the Gospel to their friends so faithfully.
Thank you for being part of God's great work. Ann did very well yesterday even without sleep. She is doing well and is waiting to see if her cyst will lessen or disappear on its own. Meanwhile, God continues to bless us as we are ministering here.
Please continue to pray for Armando, our deaf pastor, as he is in Monterrey helping with the family. His father is scheduled for cancer surgery today. Pray as he is drawn by his love for his family and his deep love for the family of God here.
The deaf also honored us by placing our picture in our "Heroes of the Faith" wall at the church for our 26 years with the deaf of Mexico. That is quite an honor for us.
The fury began on Thursday with Faithann delivering her fourth child, a boy - 6 lb. 8 oz., 20 inches. We are excited that all went well and she has a happy, healthy boy. Saturday was my (Gary) birthday so we went as a family to Pollo Pepe's, a chicken place nearby. I was getting uptight because of all that needed to be completed before Sunday. Cheyenne and Ann were working furiously most of the night as well as 10-15 of our deaf young people who were busy setting up, decorating and cleaning the church.
We left our house at 9:30, picked up Faithann and her children (including the newborn) and headed to church. By the time we got there, the church family was busy scurrying around getting the last minute preparations finished. By 12:00 Noon, there were almost 100 people there. By the end of the service, there were 133 people (3 hearing + my family; all the rest were deaf). By the time we finished serving dinner, there were more than 140 folks in our church yard (40 x 60 feet). There were games set up all around the yard for the kids, similar to a fair.We spent the next several hours dealing with three who trusted Christ and with maintaining sanity. One of those saved was a young man who had been openly opposed to our ministry. When he finally got it, his mind and face lit up with the joy of the Lord. Several of his Christian friends could barely contain themselves with his salvation.
We arrived home after 8 PM, tired beyond measure, but thrilled with the workings of the Lord.
I preached on John 3, the story of Nicodemus and related how the Lord originally gave Adam and Eve both physical and spiritual life. The consequences of sin removed that blessed spiritual life from them, and they found themselves at enmity with God. Using figure cut out of Foamy, I explained how Nicodemus was like Adam and how we are like Nicodemus. It all went together well. Following the preaching were two dramas, the second relating perfectly the need of salvation. I feel that the one-two punch of varying presentations is what allowed the Spirit to work so openly.
Some will relate with "Christian Carlos." He and his girlfriend brought two lady friends to me because they wanted to be saved. I suggested that we had a lady deal with the ladies, so Guillermina, his girlfriend accepted the task and led them to the Lord. Carlos has been working a full schedule, so she has taken over the burden of carrying on their soul-winning efforts. Praise the Lord for young adults who are willing to carry the Gospel to their friends so faithfully.
Thank you for being part of God's great work. Ann did very well yesterday even without sleep. She is doing well and is waiting to see if her cyst will lessen or disappear on its own. Meanwhile, God continues to bless us as we are ministering here.
Please continue to pray for Armando, our deaf pastor, as he is in Monterrey helping with the family. His father is scheduled for cancer surgery today. Pray as he is drawn by his love for his family and his deep love for the family of God here.
The deaf also honored us by placing our picture in our "Heroes of the Faith" wall at the church for our 26 years with the deaf of Mexico. That is quite an honor for us.