July 2009
Psalm 8:1 O LORD our Lord, how excellent is thy name in all the earth! who hast set thy glory above the heavens.
Dear Praying Friends,
How excellent are His ways! We, the church, have just returned from a wonderful week at camp. It was the best spirit I have seen at camp in a long time. We have many new (younger) people who had never attended camp, so they came with an open heart and anxious to learn. Our pastors now all have nearly 15 years or more in the ministry, which gives them great wisdom in seeing the needs of the people and in sharing with them the appropriate verses. There were 11 major cities represented from all over Mexico. We honored Horacio Gonzalez for being faithful for more than 25 years as pastor of the same church.
There was one decision for salvation, the only unsaved person we knew of at camp. Two hearing families, one American and one Mexican, yielded to work with the deaf full time. This is the first Mexican family we have seen make such an important decision. What a wonderful encouragement to the deaf. There were many private decisions made among the Christians. The Mexican pastors did all the evening preaching and the majority (85%) of all planning. It was a wonderful victory for all of us.
Our church presented a drama which was absolutely fabulous. Often the dramas are about the effects of sin: drunkenness, drugs, smoking, etc. This drama presented those sins and then showed the Devil casting those who refused salvation into Hell. They used one of our youngest deaf kids to represent one who cries as his parents are taken away but then asks Christ to forgive his sin and is taken to Heaven. To see the response from such a little one, all in signs, was very impressive. Thank you for praying for good results in this week that is so important to all of the deaf.
Ann went to the doctor (second opinion) while we were at camp and was given the same response – the cyst has to come out. Her doctor found a cyst on an ovary that is the size of a baseball. It has caused her much pain for quite a while, and yet no doctor had ever found the cause of her pain. It appears to be benign, simply liquid, but this doctor stated that it was impossible to know until it is out and can be studied. She is debating her options to decide what would be the best and safest way to go. We do not worry about the quality of medical care here, as it is excellent (many of your doctors come here for their medical schooling and then return home for boards). The only difficulty is that in Mexico, everything is paid in full (without insurance) before the patient is released, and then we file our insurance paperwork. We are so thankful we have a Father who has extensive riches. Depending upon which method Ann chooses, her recovery will be from a couple of days to several months. Obviously, this will postpone our moving to Tepic until she is able to move about freely.
We feel that the Lord is still in this move, but has ordered a “wait” order. We had the wreck, our second in 26 years, which delayed us. We traveled to the Field Conference, so we felt we should not move into a new house in a new city and immediately abandon it for a couple of weeks. On the way back, Ann became worse and worse with pain until she went to the doctor and discovered the cyst. These are not things of our doing, so we have taken them as a “wait” from the Lord. We are excited about reaching a new group with the Gospel, but He continues to use us here with our friends. We feel He is preparing a “honey bucket” for us as Bro. Roloff used to say.
Thank you for caring, praying and giving. We remain yours …
For DEAF souls in Mexico,