Prayer Letter

Dear Praying Friends,
We are happy to tell you that God is still blessing greatly in the church and several deaf have been saved, even while we are passing through some high waters. Since returning from our field conference, Ann has been battling lower abdominal pain that had doubled her over and at times took her breath. As you will see in her letter to some friends, she has been through some very rough times for several weeks which finally culminated in seeing the same doctor who operated on her several years ago. I have quoted her letter in part just to hear it from her pen:

Dear Friends, Let me go back, since I don't know where I left of before. I had pains for 2 days driving into Mexico in lower abdomen. They weren't as bad after arriving in Guadalajara, but later they came back with vengeance. I went to Dr. on Friday evening in pain and he asked me to have some kind of scan where I had to drink dye. It was too late to do it on Saturday since I had to be fasting, so I had it done Monday. It was supposed to take 2 hours and it took 5 in the office, plus travel time and fasting all that time, too. We offered to go back to the lab to get results the next day, but instead the Dr asked for them to faxed to him. After hours of trying, the fax didn't work. So, he had them bring over the X-rays and Doctor's report. The Dr. called Cheyenne and told her that I have a cyst apparently on the outside of an ovary. It took us 2 days to get into see him, and so we went again on Friday and he showed us the scan with hundreds of my body had been sliced in tiny sections...and when they got down far enough, you can see a gray ball almost perfectly round. He wants me to have a blood test just to make sure that it is not cancer, but he feels sure it is NOT cancerous. When we got back from the Dr. I felt strong, since I had by then been on medicines for inflammation for a week, and then another med for 5 days. I was finally getting my strength back. Then Fri night I got fever, headache, chills, diarrhea for LONG time, and vomiting. I was up most of the night and fought fever all day Saturday although it was a lot less than Fri night. Cheyenne called the Dr. and got two more medicines for nausea and an antibiotic. Almost 24 hours after getting the antibiotic, I have not been as sick, but still am weak, and on a bland, jello diet...and trying to drink anything I can. Sunday when I woke up, I knew my voice was stronger and I was better, but still knew I had been SICK!. I haven't gone downstairs since Friday night...and am staying in Lance's room. But he and Cheyenne have been my legs and brought me everything I have needed. I don't know if I have to go for the cancer blood test while fasting or not, so when Cheyenne wakes up, she will call and find out when I can go. It will take me a while to just get dressed... so I know I can't go early. If need be, I will go on Tuesday instead. I would like to get a second opinion about IF I have other problems and have ONE surgery take care of everything. The surgeon just wants to remove the cyst laparoscopically. Of course, if there is another problem, he will be glad to operate later again! Possibly all the diarrhea and stomach problems I have had for years can be blamed on this one cyst.. but I have a hard time believing that.. But we are supposed to help a family drive out of Mexico with our truck and trailer loaded with their belongings..and then also we have deaf camp July 20, 10 hours away in the heat of Ciudad Mante. So...I either need to have operation fast or try to wait it out.... After another night like Friday, I will be more inclined to operate soon...and he says recovery time will be 2 days. Please pray that God will give me the peace and wisdom to do what is needed in His time. Love in Christ, Ann

We were trying to establish dates for returning to Tepic in preparation for the big move, but it seemed that "the best laid plans of mice and men go oft awry." It seemed that the more we tried to plan, the more things stood in our way. Now we understand a little better. We will continue to get Ann the best care we can and try to plan around surgery and recuperation. Mostly right now she needs peace that this is the only problem she has, so that it can be taken care of all at once. She is doing much better since starting the antibiotics. She is feeling alive again.
We will plan the next trip to Tepic as soon as we can after camp. It is likely that Ann's surgery will take place right after camp. We will go to Tepic once she has recuperated, since the purpose of our trip will be to rent a house and make final preparations for the move.


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