Prayer Letter
Dear Praying Friends, We are happy to tell you that God is still blessing greatly in the church and several deaf have been saved, even while we are passing through some high waters. Since returning from our field conference, Ann has been battling lower abdominal pain that had doubled her over and at times took her breath. As you will see in her letter to some friends, she has been through some very rough times for several weeks which finally culminated in seeing the same doctor who operated on her several years ago. I have quoted her letter in part just to hear it from her pen: Dear Friends, Let me go back, since I don't know where I left of before. I had pains for 2 days driving into Mexico in lower abdomen. They weren't as bad after arriving in Guadalajara, but later they came back with vengeance. I went to Dr. on Friday evening in pain and he asked me to have some kind of scan where I had to drink dye. It was too late to do it on Saturday since I had to be fasting, so ...