March 28, 2009
Yes, you are reading right. We had a wreck in Guadalajara on February 12 and are still trying to get our truck fixed! The Mexican insurance company sent two used doors as soon as we arrived in hopes that they would be used to repair the truck. The only problem was that they had already been wrecked/damaged twice before. We objected since the purpose of a Stateside repair was to fix it to Ford's standards since we still have paint warranty. After checking with Ford several times, I was told they were being hindered by the insurance company who was insisting that the doors be used.
After several lengthy conversations about the issue, I was told AGAIN that we had a green light. Ford estimated 5-7 work days to the finish. When I called again, I was notified that the insurance company still had things bottled up. Friday, a week ago, I was told that the wire transfer was approved to the body shop and that probably Monday (past) they would release the funds.
I checked with the body shop on Wednesday and was told that the insurance contact said she had not heard from the insurance company and that the body shop was still on hold. Her assistant was the one who told us a week ago that the money was approved! I recalled the contact and the assistant again confirmed that the money was in their bank and that a check would be written that same day. I immediately called the body shop and told them the news with the request that if they did not hear immediately from the insurance, to call me and I would personally deliver the news and go get the check from the company. All is well as I did not hear back from the body shop.
Some time this week we should have an exact date as to when the truck should be ready. I feel sorry for them as they have worked so hard trying to get us out when as of last week they still had been unable to start. In Mexico we say, "Asi es la vida." (So is life).
We are presently trying to help the Kilpatricks at the mission. The Paul Gardner family had been here for several months to help with maintenance and the book store, but recently returned to Illinois. By the way, they are relatives of the Gardners we served with in Andalusia. Mr. Kilpatrick had eye surgery on Tuesday, a "minor" operation of inserting a new lens overtop of the previous on with the hope of improving his distance sight. We are presently doing some of the maintenance while we are here as well as trying to keep up with the book store. Last year they were able to sell $70,000 worth of Bibles at wholesale prices to help our Spanish folks on both sides of the border. It is really a tremendous ministry.
The week of April 6-10 we will be in Mexico again as it will be our Confederacion, the national pastors meeting for al of our deaf leaders, sponsored by the church in Guadalajara. If necessary we will ride the bus since we may not have our vehicle and the flights will be full of people fleeing for Holy Week. Literally, all of Mexico leaves town for that week so all of Mexico heads to the beaches. They have often shown on the news that there is literally not a place to put down a towel as the beaches are FULL. We always enjoy being at home with no one around! Definitely not the time to head to the beach!
Please pray for our church in Guadalajara. They are making many small and large adjustments to having a full time pastor and some of the struggles that come after some have had authority and no longer have the same position. We are delighted with Pastor Armando and the wisdom God has given him. Pray that all will mold their wills to be in agreement with God's will. These are normal difficulties, but could become major if allowed to continue. Pray for Armando as he leads the church in truth and for the members that they will follow their pastor.
Thank you for praying for us these last couple of weeks. It has been very trying on us as we thought we were ready to go, only to learn that the work had not started. Pray for us as we prepare to make the move to Tepic, as the Lord continues to lead. We are convinced more than ever that the Lord's return is imminent. After reading the book of Revelation, we gladly say, "Come. Lord Jesus."
A prayer letter is in the making, but we only have Internet access when we go to town and visit a burger joint. That means that our contact in both directions is verry limited and makes things much more difficult to maintain. Twice we have spent two hours trying to get our computer to function properly with the connections. Thank you for your patience. I will get out a full report as soon as we get back from the Confederacion.
The Laynes


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