Valentine's Day
We praise the Lord for the way He continues to bless the ministry in Guadalajara. Yesterday, at least 82 deaf showed up for our party commemorating Valentine's Day. There was at least one who asked Christ to save them, Carmen's mother. She has been in poor health and yet made the effort to come to the special day. She is at least 80, but felt she still had never really understood salvation. We are thankful that Ann was able to help her yesterday to understand the importance of taking care of her salvation immediately.
We had two brand new deaf who came and many returning again after earlier visits. We are so thankful for the large number of younger people who are now attending. We have a good group of teens and a very healthy group of 20-30 year olds. They have gotten saved and now as young adults, are excited to see the church move forward. They have immediately moved in to become the movers and shakers in the aspect of every Sunday's necessary planning, execution and clean-up.
We have received permission to take our wrecked truck to the border to find the parts necessary to repair it. That puts a chink in our armor as far as plans, but it beats waiting here for an estimated two months to receive the parts.
We thank you so much for your support, both prayer and financial. Keep checking here and we will try our best to keep you updated regularly.
We had two brand new deaf who came and many returning again after earlier visits. We are so thankful for the large number of younger people who are now attending. We have a good group of teens and a very healthy group of 20-30 year olds. They have gotten saved and now as young adults, are excited to see the church move forward. They have immediately moved in to become the movers and shakers in the aspect of every Sunday's necessary planning, execution and clean-up.
We have received permission to take our wrecked truck to the border to find the parts necessary to repair it. That puts a chink in our armor as far as plans, but it beats waiting here for an estimated two months to receive the parts.
We thank you so much for your support, both prayer and financial. Keep checking here and we will try our best to keep you updated regularly.