December Blessings

Merry Christmas
After our Christmas extravaganza, our attendance was down Sunday but still a good crowd. This has been an excellent week in the Lord's work. We have been studying out prospective cities that we know have a large deaf population and no work there. One of the closest cities in Tepic, Nayarit on the Pacific side of the continental divide. We went there in 2005 to seek out the deaf and found great contacts and an open situation there. The missionaries that we made contact with had to come home due to health issues, but we have decided to continue to pray about the city. On Thursday, I found that a long time friend (from 1983-4) was still there and serving the Lord. The same day a new deaf couple came to prayer meeting and we discovered that the man is from Tepic, and still living there. Guillermina ( girlfriend of Christian Carlos and depicted Mary in our Christmas drama) recently requested prayer for 20 deaf friends of hers in Tepic that often come to visit her. She wants to reach them for Christ. We feel that the Lord has given us a green light to actively start the process to start a work in Tepic. He has opened many doors and given us peace about this move. The first weeks of January, we will make a survey trip and see what we find. Thank you for praying for this need.

We have enjoyed spending time with family here in Guadalajara and also with the deaf church. The church has made some major changes and are learning to make the decisions necessary to continue the work of the Lord. God has sent us a good national pastor who has the wisdom of the Lord and seeks to walk with Him. We praise the Lord for the work only He knows how to accomplish.
The city of Guadalajara continues to grow exponentially and there is no stopping in sight. In the one year we were gone, MANY streets were changed, some so drastically that the traffic pattern changed dramatically. We often express the old adage, "You can't get there from here." Sometimes, it is the truth! An atlas will state the area has about 5-6 million. However, the water system here reports that it provides water to 12 million households within the metropolitan area. Since most household have more than .5 persons per household, YOU do the math! We look forward to the possibility of being in a city of about 1 million population.
At this time of year we wish to focus on the real meaning of Christmas and why the world stops to recognize the birth of our Savior. Some of out Mexican brethren are very concerned because Christmas is/was a pagan holiday. However, we have always felt that since even the unsaved pause to recognize this day, why shouldn't we help put their focus on the REAL meaning and draw them to Christ. This also causes us to pause again and thank you for standing with us as prayer partners and supporters. We pray that this Christmas will be one of the very best for you and your family, and may we all reflect back to the origin and use this time to give Him the glory.


DPeach said…
I am very thrilled about the Lord giving clear direction. I am excited about how He will lead you in the coming weeks. Please keep us informed.

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