
Showing posts from September, 2022

September 19, 2022

           WHEW! It has been many years since we have had an earthquake, much less one of more than a 4.2 or so. At 1:05 we had a whopper for about two minutes forty seconds. As always happen as they decipher the data, some differences in the strength change. The official National Seismologic Service now reports a 7.7. It started like a small tremor and about the time I thought it was over, the house really shook. Ann is at the dentist; Ethan is at school and Lance was here with me. All family and kids are fine. They say there will be more aftershocks. Nothing like a little shaking to get the heart started.      I am praising the Lord that my ophthalmologist has finally hit upon the right medication for my eye. I had cataracts removed on July 7 th . I immediately had an allergic reaction and he ordered medicine to treat it. After the medication was finished, I still had “sand” under my eyelid. He inspected it, removed a whi...