
Showing posts from January, 2021
January 27, 2021     Psalm 146 1 Praise ye the Lord . Praise the Lord , O my soul. 2  While I live will I praise the Lord : I will sing praises unto my God while I have any being.   Dear Praying Friends,        For more than 70 years God has taken care of Gary and protected him even when he was not aware of it. We have additional good news to share. If you follow the blog, you know that the doctor took him off of insulin on Christmas eve. He is now on Invokana with the target in sight of getting off ALL medications. He has lost 35 pounds and has no desire to stop now. All of his health issues are good. On Saturday he had his first blood checkup after stopping all insulin. Everything was normal except his HA1C which was 5.33 (wonderful). The doctor had thought it might be about 8 since he had been so high. Praise ye the Lord! Now we are talking about getting down in weight enough to stop all medication.    ...

New Year blessings and requests

      I have wonderful news that I received Christmas Eve. I am totally off of insulin.My doctor here has been lowering my doses daily until he finally said, "Don't inject anything." Wonderful. I have not minded the injections, as man y times I did not feel anything. I am so thankful that insulin was available when I needed it. My body has obviously started producing enough insulin again to handle my daily needs. My diet has changed little as we already had a good diet. I am just a little more conscious of what foods have hidden within them.      Our request is primarily to pray for Pedro and his wife. They both have Covid, but at least they appear to be lighter cases. All of the state is completely shut down except the very most necessary and then only during daytime hours through January 10th. At that time they will see how progress is going before making any other announcements. Since March we have been more in the red zone than any other color...