Last week I inadvertently left my laptop on all night and several updates were added during the night. It appears that one of them overwrote a section of the program files for the operating system. The next day I was met with the blue screen of death, meaning my system wouldn't boot. Now several days later, I am back up but not totally restored yet. Hopefully, all can be transferred successfully within a few days. I apologize for the unexpected delay. We are off once again to visit a church an hour and a half away. It seems like that has been the rule of thumb for quite a while. We have enjoyed every church we have visited with. Each one has touched us in a very special way. Recently, we encountered two different folks that I (Gary) graduated from high school with MANY years ago, and whom I have not seen since. We spent Sunday evening with a cousin in her church. Others have been folks we went to Bible college with or childhood friends. Of cou...