
Showing posts from July, 2012

Las Vegas

     Well, we are here! Our airline moved flights twice on us recently, the last without notification. Our trip that was planned five months ago became a totally new experience, but a good one. We were awed yesterday as we flew across Arizona. It was relatively overcast, but the glimpses were beautiful. We have driven through Arizona several times, but it looks a little different from 35,000 feet.      When we got here about 6:30 PM local time, our bags were no where to be found. After some waiting and checking around, we discovered they were outside the office in a semi-private area. Praise the Lord. One hundred degrees at 6:30 does not make a pleasant bag search. We called the motel shuttle and was told it should be there within 15 minutes. We waited and watched while sitting outside (slightly less than 100 degrees). After one hour, I called again to see if there was a problem. Of course there was - the driver was to blame, the front...

URGENT - July 4

     Please pray for Casey Stribling, Ann's mother who fell down a complete flight of stairs this afternoon and is in the hospital. She has had some dizziness the last couple of days and apparently lost her balance near the top of the stairs which terminate near her refrigerator. She is black and blue, banged up but doing well under the circumstances. The doctors are going over her thoroughly  to check for hidden damages. Please add her to your prayer chain and pass along the word to all who can pray. i will update you as we learnmore. Gary & Ann

Monday, July 2

     As you are probably aware by now, our elections went well and in the great majority of situations, went off quietly. Of course, there were a few isolated disturbances, but it appears all is well. The Word declares that God puts kings in power (Daniel 2:21) and so we wait to see what changes may come. We pray for peace for the sake of the people.      We were expecting a low crowd due to the voting situation yesterday. Our services started with less than ten present. By the end of the opening song and prayer, more came. By the time of the preaching there were 26 present with others sneaking in during the preaching. One family and one individual had not been faithful for years but came yesterday. Deaf work is always interesting!! One deaf young man always showed up when he found a new girlfriend. He would bring her so she could be saved. The family who came yesterday had been split by sin and had been separated for quite some time. They all wal...