
Showing posts from December, 2011

December 18

                M E R R Y C HR I S T M A S !!          Some of you have been praying! On December 11th at our Christmas party we had 31. None were totally new but we enjoyed each person's company and the chance to share Christ with them. Sunday, the 18th, we presented Adam & Eve, a two hour video of the life, blessings and the promises of/to Adam. Several hearts were deeply touched and they stayed, praying with the Lord even after the invitation ended. There were 29 of us, which is the start of a good group.       The presentation was a little drastic for me because it mean continuous interpreting for more than two hours. Cheyenne and I started to share the burden, but soon realized that it would take two of us longer to distribute which part we would play than it would if I just interpreted it. Some conversations included four persons at nearly the ...