
Showing posts from January, 2011

Monday, January 24

Dear Praying Friends,      Yesterday was a good day, especially after some exciting moments.Upon arriving at church, we were greeted by Pedro (who supposedly caused all the trouble with Armando). At the same time, Juve and Amanda arrived. Juve was here last week because his mother was in the hospital. She improved, they drove back to Fort Worth, TX on Sunday/Monday, were called on Tuesday that she was suffering from a leaking aneurysm on the aorta and all the family were being called in. They got back in the car Tuesday night and drove another 30 hours back to arrive in time for her funeral.      We all went in and a few minutes later, we started the service. Fernando led  us and preached. After the service I was scheduled to meet with a couple interested in working with the deaf. After finishing with them, Pedro approached and said, "I'm going." I said, "You need to get down on your knees, repent and ask God to forgive you." He looked at me wit...

Prayer Letter

January 2011 1 He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. 2 I will say of the LORD, He is my refuge and my fortress: my God; in him will I trust. Psalm 91:1-2 Dear Praying Friends, The devil is alive and well! During Christmas, one of our members decided to take matters into his own hands. He has not come to church on a regular basis for more several years. When we voted on our pastor, he was voted in favor of him. When he left the church with the deacon, he wrote Horacio in Monterrey and told him that Armando was no longer wanted in Guadalajara and he should not return. Horacio looks to Armando as his son, so he suggested that Armando resign and return to Monterrey. Armando came back to Guadalajara last Friday and tendered his resignation on Sunday. He is very destroyed because of some of the defamation poured against him. Pray for Armando and for these deaf who allowed one person to talk them into wrong. The members who left ...


Dear Praying Friends,      You have been praying, haven't you? FIRST, Ann's bogus account was fixed, so there should be no more problems there. I don't do Facebook, but Cheyenne took care of it for us.      Yesterday was the test day for the whole church. Armando returned from Monterrey on Friday, so I scheduled a meeting with him on Saturday. The results of that will be explained in a minute.      Yesterday was also the day that our ex-deacon was to return with all the deaf he "won to Christ." It turned out that they had led 1 deaf person to the Lord. All of the rest (30-35) were people they took out of our deaf church.      Armando preached the regular service and ended the service without saying anything about his status. After the service was over, he asked if he could talk to the members. Amazingly, all non-members moved outside without a murmur. He began by explaining that he was totally in charge of t...

Urgent Notice

Dear Praying Friends,      Please NOTE: Ann's Facebook account has been hacked into. Any unusual emails you receive from her account should be deleted immediately. They are NOT from Ann. We will try to keep you posted concerning changes that may need to be taken concerning this.      PLEASE PRAY for the meeting this coming Sunday. All of those who deserted the church are asking to come back. Supposedly, they have repented and are wanting to make amends. However, within the last two weeks, they broke into the church with copies of keys, destroyed a picture of our pastor Armando, ripped up some papers, and tore down the cable connection for the Internet. THAT doesn't sound like repentance. They left the church to start a new church without asking for a letter of dismissal. That means that the minute they left, they automatically lost all voting power and voice in business sessions, as well as membership. To return they must show their true repent...

A Wonderful New year

Dear Friends,      I have been busy with many projects for the New Year, but I just had to stop long enough to tell you about Sunday. Last week, I was told that the deacon who left mad and took a family with them to start a new church arrived long after the service looking for us. Since we were not there they replied they would come back next week. All of our faithful were on pins and needles wondering what in the world was happening. Sunday a group of them arrived long before the service started and sat quietly through the service. At the end of the service, Pedro, a man I led to the Lord in 1985 and who had quit coming after almost 25 years wanted to make an "announcement" after the service. He was told to come to the pulpit area and announced that he had left about two years ago (actually about five) to take care of his family (who are all grown) and now he was coming back. I said "Praise the Lord" but I knew more was coming. He then started telling about this n...