
Showing posts from October, 2009

Ann's Tests

      Thank you to all of you who have been praying for Ann's health. We went yesterday for her follow-up tests and they showed that her cyst had grown almost an inch in the last three months. It is now beyond question that it MUST come out soon. Ann is in agreement with this, so we will move quickly towards getting the surgery lined up and executed. Ann has felt a little better for the last couple of days, so that should help her recovery. Please continue to pray for her as she faces this new step in her life.      Armando returned last week to check on the church and then returned to Monterrey to be with his father. After chatting and praying together, he and his father decided that Armando needed to be here. He returned on Thursday and is here to stay unless something changes with his father. Please pray as Armando feels the Devil trying to stick his head in this issue. Seventy deaf folks are all for Armando and ONE is trying to stir thin...

October 5, 2009

      One solid month of tremendous blessings! We had five straight weeks that deaf were saved in our services, several of them "special." One such salvation was Juan Manuel. JM came for the first time about a week after Christian Carlos got saved. He is one of Carlos' best friends but he had no interest in hearing the Gospel. When he arrived home, he was chastised by his mother since the "Bible came from the United States." He has come for a couple of special services in the last three years but eventually became so hostile that he told Carlos he never wanted to see him again (after shoving him - Carlos is about 5 feet 4 inches and JM is about 6 feet 4 inches). He had not come for over two years.      JM came three Sundays ago and listened carefully to John 4 and our need to worship God in spirit and in truth. After the service, Carlos brought him to me and asked if I would talk to him. I was happy to do so. I shared with him the plan of sa...

Laynes Lines for September 2009

September 2009 2 Corinthians 3:2 Ye are our epistle written in our hearts, known and read of all men. Dear Praying Friends, Thank you so much for your prayers for us as we labor for the Lord. Armando, our deaf pastor, went home to Monterrey after camp to visit with his family because his father was having physical problems. The doctors discovered colon cancer and spots on his kidneys. In his absence, the deaf have asked Gary to preach to keep the church going. Armando is torn between his family and the needs of his family, and his “new” position as pastor of the church. Monterrey is only 500 miles north of Guadalajara! God has greatly blessed through the weeks as we have consistently seen deaf receive Christ as Savior. We have been averaging about 65 for several weeks of which all are deaf except a few family members. The deaf themselves have been planning and executing the programming which is a real blessing for us. We celebrate Independence Day here on Sept...