February, 2017 Precious in the sight of the LORD is the death of his saints . Psalm 116:15 Dear Praying Friends, Many years ago when we were in Illinois, we saw the Graham family pass through many difficult moments with the loss of family members and yet they joyfully sang “Heaven’s Sounding Sweeter All the Time.” What a tremendous testimony through great times of loss. When we received word that our dear friend had passed on, our thoughts immediately went to that song. Susie “Sue” Curtis Henson passed on to Gloria on January 27, 2017at age of 93. When both of us attended Tennessee Temple University, both learned the sign language from Sue. Her husband, Ronald, was the pastor to the deaf at Highland Park and the church offered classes every Sunday evening. If you were to meet Sue for the first time, you would be impressed with her sweet spirit and depth of character. She was the very significance of “a teacher.” ...
Showing posts from February, 2017