
Showing posts from August, 2012

Monday, August 27

Dear Friends,      Please pray for our family and very special friends in Guadalajara. Starting on Saturday, they started burning all kinds of vehicles there, this time, including personal cars. There have been at least 28 on Saturday where they stopped any vehicle and either stole it or burned it or both. There were 5 more overnight. Cheyenne reports that all are fine and so far they have not felt threatened personally. However, I doubt many people who have not lived through it could appreciate the tension that rises INSIDE of a person when the city is burning around you. You feel a quiet peace from the Lord, but unconsciously you whisper a prayer for you and yours. Life goes on, but these dear folks need our prayers. Please take just a moment and pray for peace in Guadalajara. Gary & Ann

Saturday, August 18

Dear Praying Firends,       Thank you so much for praying for us during our trip to Las Vegas. It was a tremendous blessing and challenge. Before I get into details, let me explain that I sent an update last week, except that the Internet we "borrow" (at a fast food place) simply was not connecting right and it appears that all was lost. I do apologize, but I imagine things won't get much better until we get out of Texas and get established in WV. We used to have a number of places where we could connect, but the majority have shut down their public access due to abuse.      Las Vegas held up to its promise to deliver hot weather. We arrived with the temps at 105. By the time the Expo started, it hit 107 and remained between 106 and 107. Due to the humidity levels at 8%, it wasn't as bad as I imagined, but bad enough. Expo states that there were "more than 16,000" registered for the week. We passed out almost 16,000 "Welcome to Las Vegas" fliers...