Tuesday, June 12
Dear Folks, Normally I update the blog the first thing in the morning, but it has been necessary to postpone it until evening. I have a minor condition known as Extra Ventricular Systole. What that means is my heart "skips" a beat (or more) every few beats. At worst, I barely function; at least, it makes an easy day difficult. Today has been a middle of the line because it was skipping every third beat. I can function but much like removing several spark plug wires from your car. That said, we want to share some good news with you. Yesterday, our largest newspaper released the latest statistics show that our state now ranks second in the Latin world for violence! Wow. Living here, it seems that things are fairly quiet, although not stopped. The problem is that the northern states are still being marked as not safe. The folks here have no idea what is happening in the rest of the country. A week ago on Saturday...