
Showing posts from December, 2010

Merry Christmas

M E R R Y C H R I S T M A S        I ask your forgiveness for not getting my regular update out about two weeks ago. Some friends and family depend on our update to know that we are alive. Fortunately, we have been busy as well as being without Internet three different times. Our country here hates being listed with Third World countries because they say they are as fully developed as are other countries. If you lived here a month, you would see the great differences that makes them be included. If the power goes out because of wind or rain, it is usually because the circuit breakers on the lines have opened. It requires a man to come by and close a blade type breaker overhead. It may take two to four days for him to do that!      Last week we lost power as did the whole village across the highway. No electricity means nothing in the house works, the Internet was out as well as our phone. No power means we have no water. Ann’s cell phone w...